
Tengo algunas webs con enlaces de afiliado a Amazon creadas con WordPress y utilizando el plugin de AAWP, ahora estoy experimentando un poco por mi cuenta para intentar entender cómo funciona el plugin y utilizarlo. He utilizado la plataforma que te ofrece Amazon de Product Advertising API 5.0 Scratchpad y desde ella, consigo hacer consultas buenas y que me dé buenos resultados, pero no consigo entender como podría llevarlo a mi web.

Por ejemplo, he conseguido que me dé el siguiente código PHP:


/* Copyright 2018 Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. */
/* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. */

// Put your Secret Key in place of **********
        ." \"ItemIds\": ["
        ."  \"*****\""
        ." ],"
        ." \"Resources\": ["
        ."  \"ItemInfo.Title\""
        ." ],"
        ." \"PartnerTag\": \"******\","
        ." \"PartnerType\": \"Associates\","
        ." \"Marketplace\": \"www.amazon.es\""
$awsv4 = new AwsV4 ($accessKey, $secretKey);
$awsv4->setPath ($uriPath);
$awsv4->setPayload ($payload);
$awsv4->setRequestMethod ("POST");
$awsv4->addHeader ('content-encoding', 'amz-1.0');
$awsv4->addHeader ('content-type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8');
$awsv4->addHeader ('host', $host);
$awsv4->addHeader ('x-amz-target', 'com.amazon.paapi5.v1.ProductAdvertisingAPIv1.GetItems');
$headers = $awsv4->getHeaders ();
$headerString = "";
foreach ( $headers as $key => $value ) {
    $headerString .= $key . ': ' . $value . "\r\n";
$params = array (
        'http' => array (
            'header' => $headerString,
            'method' => 'POST',
            'content' => $payload
$stream = stream_context_create ( $params );

$fp = @fopen ( 'https://'.$host.$uriPath, 'rb', false, $stream );

if (! $fp) {
    throw new Exception ( "Exception Occured" );
$response = @stream_get_contents ( $fp );
if ($response === false) {
    throw new Exception ( "Exception Occured" );
echo $response;

class AwsV4 {

    private $accessKey = null;
    private $secretKey = null;
    private $path = null;
    private $regionName = null;
    private $serviceName = null;
    private $httpMethodName = null;
    private $queryParametes = array ();
    private $awsHeaders = array ();
    private $payload = "";

    private $HMACAlgorithm = "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256";
    private $aws4Request = "aws4_request";
    private $strSignedHeader = null;
    private $xAmzDate = null;
    private $currentDate = null;

    public function __construct($accessKey, $secretKey) {
        $this->accessKey = $accessKey;
        $this->secretKey = $secretKey;
        $this->xAmzDate = $this->getTimeStamp ();
        $this->currentDate = $this->getDate ();

    function setPath($path) {
        $this->path = $path;

    function setServiceName($serviceName) {
        $this->serviceName = $serviceName;

    function setRegionName($regionName) {
        $this->regionName = $regionName;

    function setPayload($payload) {
        $this->payload = $payload;

    function setRequestMethod($method) {
        $this->httpMethodName = $method;

    function addHeader($headerName, $headerValue) {
        $this->awsHeaders [$headerName] = $headerValue;

    private function prepareCanonicalRequest() {
        $canonicalURL = "";
        $canonicalURL .= $this->httpMethodName . "\n";
        $canonicalURL .= $this->path . "\n" . "\n";
        $signedHeaders = '';
        foreach ( $this->awsHeaders as $key => $value ) {
            $signedHeaders .= $key . ";";
            $canonicalURL .= $key . ":" . $value . "\n";
        $canonicalURL .= "\n";
        $this->strSignedHeader = substr ( $signedHeaders, 0, - 1 );
        $canonicalURL .= $this->strSignedHeader . "\n";
        $canonicalURL .= $this->generateHex ( $this->payload );
        return $canonicalURL;

    private function prepareStringToSign($canonicalURL) {
        $stringToSign = '';
        $stringToSign .= $this->HMACAlgorithm . "\n";
        $stringToSign .= $this->xAmzDate . "\n";
        $stringToSign .= $this->currentDate . "/" . $this->regionName . "/" . $this->serviceName . "/" . $this->aws4Request . "\n";
        $stringToSign .= $this->generateHex ( $canonicalURL );
        return $stringToSign;

    private function calculateSignature($stringToSign) {
        $signatureKey = $this->getSignatureKey ( $this->secretKey, $this->currentDate, $this->regionName, $this->serviceName );
        $signature = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $stringToSign, $signatureKey, true );
        $strHexSignature = strtolower ( bin2hex ( $signature ) );
        return $strHexSignature;

    public function getHeaders() {
        $this->awsHeaders ['x-amz-date'] = $this->xAmzDate;
        ksort ( $this->awsHeaders );

        $canonicalURL = $this->prepareCanonicalRequest ();

        // Step 2: CREATE THE STRING TO SIGN
        $stringToSign = $this->prepareStringToSign ( $canonicalURL );

        $signature = $this->calculateSignature ( $stringToSign );

        if ($signature) {
            $this->awsHeaders ['Authorization'] = $this->buildAuthorizationString ( $signature );
            return $this->awsHeaders;

    private function buildAuthorizationString($strSignature) {
        return $this->HMACAlgorithm . " " . "Credential=" . $this->accessKey . "/" . $this->getDate () . "/" . $this->regionName . "/" . $this->serviceName . "/" . $this->aws4Request . "," . "SignedHeaders=" . $this->strSignedHeader . "," . "Signature=" . $strSignature;

    private function generateHex($data) {
        return strtolower ( bin2hex ( hash ( "sha256", $data, true ) ) );

    private function getSignatureKey($key, $date, $regionName, $serviceName) {
        $kSecret = "AWS4" . $key;
        $kDate = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $date, $kSecret, true );
        $kRegion = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $regionName, $kDate, true );
        $kService = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $serviceName, $kRegion, true );
        $kSigning = hash_hmac ( "sha256", $this->aws4Request, $kService, true );

        return $kSigning;

    private function getTimeStamp() {
        return gmdate ( "Ymd\THis\Z" );

    private function getDate() {
        return gmdate ( "Ymd" );

El cual me devuelve un código JSON que depende del producto que ponga en el ItemIds. No sé muy bien cómo convertir esta respuesta JSON a una respuesta visible en HTML para que se pueda ver correctamente en la web.

¿Alguien que haya utilizado esto puede ayudarme?

  • 1
    ¿La pregunta entonces es "como pasar JSON a HTML"?
    – Candid Moe
    Commented el 27 nov. a las 11:41
  • Simplificándolo mucho, se podría decir que sí. Nunca he tocado nada de JSON y estoy comenzando con el PHP y voy muy perdido
    – Debianlu
    Commented el 27 nov. a las 14:05


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