No entiendo por qué en el siguiente mensaje no me detecta el sdk
PS C:\Users\Usuario\Downloads\proyect2> npx react-native doctor Common ✓ Node.js - Required to execute JavaScript code ✓ yarn - Required to install NPM dependencies ● Metro - Metro Bundler is not running
Android ✓ Adb - Required to verify if the android device is attached correctly ✓ JDK - Required to compile Java code ✓ Android Studio - Required for building and installing your app on Android ✓ ANDROID_HOME - Environment variable that points to your Android SDK installation ✓ Gradlew - Build tool required for Android builds ✖ Android SDK - Required for building and installing your app on Android
- Versions found: 34.0.0, 35.0.0
- Version supported: .b34.0.0
Errors: 1 Warnings: 1