Estoy intentando crear un juego de serpientes en Python y estoy teniendo problemas para que la serpiente se mueva correctamente. El código que tengo actualmente muestra la serpiente en la pantalla, pero al mover hacia abajo cuando presiono las teclas "s" sale IndexError: list index out of range.
He intentado agregar algunos bucles de control para manejar la entrada del usuario, pero todavía no puedo hacer que la serpiente deje de darme ese mismo error.
Aquí está mi código actual:
import os
import random
import readchar
pos_x = 0
pos_y = 1
num_of_map_objects = 11
obstacle_definition = """\
################ #####
################ #####
################# ######
########## ##
############## ####
#################### ###
######## ###### #
###### ###
####### ##########
##### ######### #
my_position = [0, 1]
tail_lengt = 0
tail = []
map_objects = []
end_game = False
died = False
#create obstacle map
obstacle_definition = [list(row) for row in obstacle_definition.split("\n")]
map_width = len(obstacle_definition[0])
map_height = len(obstacle_definition)
#main lopp
while not end_game:
#generate random objects on the map
while len(map_objects) < num_of_map_objects:
new_position = [random.randint(0, map_width - 1), random.randint(0, map_height - 1)]
if new_position not in map_objects and new_position != my_position:
# Draw Map
print("+" + "-" * map_width * 2 + "+")
for coordinate_y in range(map_height):
print("|", end="")
for coordinate_x in range(map_width):
char_to_draw = " "
object_in_cell = None
tail_in_cell = None
for map_object in map_objects:
if map_object[pos_x] == coordinate_x and map_object[pos_y] == coordinate_y:
char_to_draw = " *"
object_in_cell = map_object
for tail_piece in tail:
if tail_piece[pos_x] == coordinate_x and tail_piece[pos_y] == coordinate_y:
char_to_draw = " @"
tail_in_cell = tail_piece
if my_position[pos_x] == coordinate_x and my_position[pos_y] == coordinate_y:
char_to_draw = " @"
if object_in_cell:
tail_lengt += 1
if tail_in_cell:
end_game = True
died = True
if coordinate_y < len(obstacle_definition) and coordinate_x < len(obstacle_definition[coordinate_y]) and obstacle_definition[coordinate_y][coordinate_x] == "#":
char_to_draw = "##"
print("{}".format(char_to_draw), end="")
print("+" + "-" * map_width * 2 + "+")
#ask user where he wants to move
#direction = input("¿Dónde te quieres mover? [WASD]:")
direction = readchar.readkey()
new_position = None
if direction == "w":
new_position = [my_position[pos_x], (my_position[pos_y] - 1) % map_width]
elif direction == "s":
new_position = [my_position[pos_x], (my_position[pos_y] + 1) % map_width]
elif direction == "a":
new_position = [(my_position[pos_x] - 1) % map_width, my_position[pos_y]]
elif direction == "d":
new_position = [(my_position[pos_x] + 1) % map_width, my_position[pos_y]]
elif direction == "q":
end_game = True
if new_position:
if obstacle_definition[new_position[pos_y]][new_position[pos_x]] != "#":
tail.insert(0, my_position.copy())
tail = tail[:tail_lengt]
my_position = new_position
if died:
print("Has muerto!")
#eso es todo el codigo...
Me da este error.. ayuda porfa:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 99, in <module>
if obstacle_definition[new_position[pos_y]][new_position[pos_x]] != "#":
IndexError: list index out of range