Hola estoy haciendo un bot de musica, y tengo un error que no me encuentra los comandos. A mi parecer estan bien codeados e importados. Todavia no encuentro solucion, les dejo el codigo y el error a ver si me pueden ayudar. Pregunte en gitHub tambien y todavia no tengo la solucion. Entiendo esta bien la mayor parte de las cosas, no?
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
#import all of the cogs
from music_cog import music_cog
bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!', intents = discord.Intents.all())
#remove the default help command so that we can write out own
async def setup(bot):
await bot.add_cog(music_cog(bot))
#start the bot with our token
from ast import alias
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
class music_cog(commands.Cog):
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
#all the music related stuff
self.is_playing = False
self.is_paused = False
# 2d array containing [song, channel]
self.music_queue = []
self.YDL_OPTIONS = {'format': 'bestaudio', 'noplaylist':'True'}
self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS = {'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn'}
self.vc = None
#searching the item on youtube
def search_yt(self, item):
with YoutubeDL(self.YDL_OPTIONS) as ydl:
info = ydl.extract_info("ytsearch:%s" % item, download=False)['entries'][0]
except Exception:
return False
return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}
def play_next(self):
if len(self.music_queue) > 0:
self.is_playing = True
#get the first url
m_url = self.music_queue[0][0]['source']
#remove the first element as you are currently playing it
self.vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(m_url, **self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: self.play_next())
self.is_playing = False
# infinite loop checking
async def play_music(self, ctx):
if len(self.music_queue) > 0:
self.is_playing = True
m_url = self.music_queue[0][0]['source']
#try to connect to voice channel if you are not already connected
if self.vc == None or not self.vc.is_connected():
self.vc = await self.music_queue[0][1].connect()
#in case we fail to connect
if self.vc == None:
await ctx.send("Could not connect to the voice channel")
await self.vc.move_to(self.music_queue[0][1])
#remove the first element as you are currently playing it
self.vc.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(m_url, **self.FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: self.play_next())
self.is_playing = False
@commands.command(name="play", aliases=["p","playing"], help="Plays a selected song from youtube")
async def play(self, ctx, *args):
query = " ".join(args)
voice_channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
if voice_channel is None:
#you need to be connected so that the bot knows where to go
await ctx.send("Connect to a voice channel!")
elif self.is_paused:
song = self.search_yt(query)
if type(song) == type(True):
await ctx.send("Could not download the song. Incorrect format try another keyword. This could be due to playlist or a livestream format.")
await ctx.send("Song added to the queue")
self.music_queue.append([song, voice_channel])
if self.is_playing == False:
await self.play_music(ctx)
@commands.command(name="pause", help="Pauses the current song being played")
async def pause(self, ctx, *args):
if self.is_playing:
self.is_playing = False
self.is_paused = True
elif self.is_paused:
self.is_paused = False
self.is_playing = True
@commands.command(name = "resume", aliases=["r"], help="Resumes playing with the discord bot")
async def resume(self, ctx, *args):
if self.is_paused:
self.is_paused = False
self.is_playing = True
@commands.command(name="skip", aliases=["s"], help="Skips the current song being played")
async def skip(self, ctx):
if self.vc != None and self.vc:
#try to play next in the queue if it exists
await self.play_music(ctx)
@commands.command(name="queue", aliases=["q"], help="Displays the current songs in queue")
async def queue(self, ctx):
retval = ""
for i in range(0, len(self.music_queue)):
# display a max of 5 songs in the current queue
if (i > 4): break
retval += self.music_queue[i][0]['title'] + "\n"
if retval != "":
await ctx.send(retval)
await ctx.send("No music in queue")
@commands.command(name="clear", aliases=["c", "bin"], help="Stops the music and clears the queue")
async def clear(self, ctx):
if self.vc != None and self.is_playing:
self.music_queue = []
await ctx.send("Music queue cleared")
@commands.command(name="leave", aliases=["disconnect", "l", "d"], help="Kick the bot from VC")
async def dc(self, ctx):
self.is_playing = False
self.is_paused = False
await self.vc.disconnect()
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "help" is not found
No solo es el comando help, si no todos los que tengo. ¿Qué puedo hacer? Ya intente todo. Incluso en internet no logro encontrar la solucion. Pareciera que esta mal importado pero no es el caso.