Estoy usando una maquina virtual con mac, para construir la app ios VMware 15 MAC Catalina 10.15 XCode 11.2.3 IONIC 6 Capacitor

Soy nuevo en la construccion de archivo .ipa (ios) y cuando ejecuto la accion para construir el archivo .ipa para hacer las pruebas en otros dispositivos sin conectarlos al pc, aparecen los siguientes errores en Xcode

error Xcode

y en el archivo introducir la descripción de la imagen aquí

archivo completo

 Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 distributed with this work for additional information
 regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 specific language governing permissions and limitations
 under the License.

#import "Keyboard.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>
#import <Capacitor/Capacitor.h>
#import <Capacitor/Capacitor-Swift.h>
#import <Capacitor/CAPBridgedPlugin.h>
#import <Capacitor/CAPBridgedJSTypes.h>

typedef enum : NSUInteger {
} ResizePolicy;

@interface KeyboardPlugin () <UIScrollViewDelegate>

@property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) BOOL disableScroll;
@property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) BOOL hideFormAccessoryBar;
@property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) BOOL keyboardIsVisible;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) ResizePolicy keyboardResizes;
@property (readwrite, assign, nonatomic) NSString* keyboardStyle;
@property (nonatomic, readwrite) int paddingBottom;


#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wprotocol"
// suppressing warnings of the type: "Class 'KeyboardPlugin' does not conform to protocol 'CAPBridgedPlugin'"
// protocol conformance for this class is implemented by a macro and clang isn't detecting that
@implementation KeyboardPlugin

NSTimer *hideTimer;
NSString* UIClassString;
NSString* WKClassString;
NSString* UITraitsClassString;

- (void)load
  self.disableScroll = !self.bridge.config.scrollingEnabled;

  UIClassString = [@[@"UI", @"Web", @"Browser", @"View"] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
  WKClassString = [@[@"WK", @"Content", @"View"] componentsJoinedByString:@""];
  UITraitsClassString = [@[@"UI", @"Text", @"Input", @"Traits"] componentsJoinedByString:@""];

    PluginConfig * config = [self getConfig];
  NSString * style = [config getString:@"style": nil];
  [self changeKeyboardStyle:style.uppercaseString];

  self.keyboardResizes = ResizeNative;
  NSString * resizeMode = [config getString:@"resize": nil];

  if ([resizeMode isEqualToString:@"none"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeNone;
    NSLog(@"KeyboardPlugin: no resize");
  } else if ([resizeMode isEqualToString:@"ionic"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeIonic;
    NSLog(@"KeyboardPlugin: resize mode - ionic");
  } else if ([resizeMode isEqualToString:@"body"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeBody;
    NSLog(@"KeyboardPlugin: resize mode - body");

  if (self.keyboardResizes == ResizeNative) {
    NSLog(@"KeyboardPlugin: resize mode - native");

  self.hideFormAccessoryBar = YES;
  NSNotificationCenter *nc = [NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter];
  [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyboardDidHide:) name:UIKeyboardDidHideNotification object:nil];
  [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyboardDidShow:) name:UIKeyboardDidShowNotification object:nil];
  [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyboardWillHide:) name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];
  [nc addObserver:self selector:@selector(onKeyboardWillShow:) name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:nil];
  [nc removeObserver:self.webView name:UIKeyboardWillHideNotification object:nil];
  [nc removeObserver:self.webView name:UIKeyboardWillShowNotification object:nil];
  [nc removeObserver:self.webView name:UIKeyboardWillChangeFrameNotification object:nil];
  [nc removeObserver:self.webView name:UIKeyboardDidChangeFrameNotification object:nil];

#pragma mark Keyboard events

- (void)resetScrollView
  UIScrollView *scrollView = [self.webView scrollView];
  [scrollView setContentInset:UIEdgeInsetsZero];

- (void)onKeyboardWillHide:(NSNotification *)notification
  [self setKeyboardHeight:0 delay:0.01];
  [self resetScrollView];
  hideTimer = [NSTimer scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:0 repeats:NO block:^(NSTimer * _Nonnull timer) {
    [self.bridge triggerWindowJSEventWithEventName:@"keyboardWillHide"];
    [self notifyListeners:@"keyboardWillHide" data:nil];
  [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer:hideTimer forMode:NSRunLoopCommonModes];

- (void)onKeyboardWillShow:(NSNotification *)notification
  [self changeKeyboardStyle:self.keyboardStyle];
  if (hideTimer != nil) {
    [hideTimer invalidate];
  CGRect rect = [[notification.userInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
  double height = rect.size.height;

  double duration = [[notification.userInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] doubleValue]+0.2;
  [self setKeyboardHeight:height delay:duration];
  [self resetScrollView];

  NSString * data = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ 'keyboardHeight': %d }", (int)height];
  [self.bridge triggerWindowJSEventWithEventName:@"keyboardWillShow" data:data];
  NSDictionary * kbData = @{@"keyboardHeight": [NSNumber numberWithDouble:height]};
  [self notifyListeners:@"keyboardWillShow" data:kbData];

- (void)onKeyboardDidShow:(NSNotification *)notification
  CGRect rect = [[notification.userInfo valueForKey:UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey] CGRectValue];
  double height = rect.size.height;

  [self resetScrollView];

  NSString * data = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"{ 'keyboardHeight': %d }", (int)height];
  [self.bridge triggerWindowJSEventWithEventName:@"keyboardDidShow" data:data];
  NSDictionary * kbData = @{@"keyboardHeight": [NSNumber numberWithDouble:height]};
  [self notifyListeners:@"keyboardDidShow" data:kbData];

- (void)onKeyboardDidHide:(NSNotification *)notification
  [self.bridge triggerWindowJSEventWithEventName:@"keyboardDidHide"];
  [self notifyListeners:@"keyboardDidHide" data:nil];
  [self resetScrollView];

- (void)setKeyboardHeight:(int)height delay:(NSTimeInterval)delay
  if (self.paddingBottom == height) {

  self.paddingBottom = height;

  __weak KeyboardPlugin* weakSelf = self;
  SEL action = @selector(_updateFrame);
  [NSObject cancelPreviousPerformRequestsWithTarget:weakSelf selector:action object:nil];
  if (delay == 0) {
    [self _updateFrame];
  } else {
    [weakSelf performSelector:action withObject:nil afterDelay:delay inModes:@[NSRunLoopCommonModes]];

- (void)resizeElement:(NSString *)element withPaddingBottom:(int)paddingBottom withScreenHeight:(int)screenHeight
    int height = -1;
    if (paddingBottom > 0) {
        height = screenHeight - paddingBottom;
    [self.bridge evalWithJs: [NSString stringWithFormat:@"(function() { var el = %@; var height = %d; if (el) { el.style.height = height > -1 ? height + 'px' : null; } })()", element, height]];

- (void)_updateFrame
  CGRect f, wf = CGRectZero;
  UIWindow * window = nil;
  if ([[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] respondsToSelector:@selector(window)]) {
    window = [[[UIApplication sharedApplication] delegate] window];
  if (!window) {
    if (@available(iOS 13.0, *)) {
      UIScene *scene = [UIApplication sharedApplication].connectedScenes.allObjects.firstObject;
      window = [[(UIWindowScene*)scene windows] filteredArrayUsingPredicate:[NSPredicate predicateWithFormat:@"isKeyWindow == YES"]].firstObject;
  if (window) {
    f = [window bounds];
  if (self.webView != nil) {
    wf = self.webView.frame;
  switch (self.keyboardResizes) {
    case ResizeBody:
      [self resizeElement:@"document.body" withPaddingBottom:_paddingBottom withScreenHeight:(int)f.size.height];
    case ResizeIonic:
      [self resizeElement:@"document.querySelector('ion-app')" withPaddingBottom:_paddingBottom withScreenHeight:(int)f.size.height];
    case ResizeNative:
      [self.webView setFrame:CGRectMake(wf.origin.x, wf.origin.y, f.size.width - wf.origin.x, f.size.height - wf.origin.y - self.paddingBottom)];
  [self resetScrollView];

#pragma mark HideFormAccessoryBar

static IMP UIOriginalImp;
static IMP WKOriginalImp;

- (void)setHideFormAccessoryBar:(BOOL)hideFormAccessoryBar
  if (hideFormAccessoryBar == _hideFormAccessoryBar) {
  Method UIMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString(UIClassString), @selector(inputAccessoryView));
  Method WKMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(NSClassFromString(WKClassString), @selector(inputAccessoryView));
  if (hideFormAccessoryBar) {
    UIOriginalImp = method_getImplementation(UIMethod);
    WKOriginalImp = method_getImplementation(WKMethod);
    IMP newImp = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id _s) {
      return nil;
    method_setImplementation(UIMethod, newImp);
    method_setImplementation(WKMethod, newImp);
  } else {
    method_setImplementation(UIMethod, UIOriginalImp);
    method_setImplementation(WKMethod, WKOriginalImp);
  _hideFormAccessoryBar = hideFormAccessoryBar;

#pragma mark scroll

- (void)setDisableScroll:(BOOL)disableScroll {
  if (disableScroll == _disableScroll) {
  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    if (disableScroll) {
      self.webView.scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO;
      self.webView.scrollView.delegate = self;
    else {
      self.webView.scrollView.scrollEnabled = YES;
      self.webView.scrollView.delegate = nil;
  _disableScroll = disableScroll;

- (void)scrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
  [scrollView setContentOffset: CGPointZero];

#pragma mark Plugin interface

- (void)setAccessoryBarVisible:(CAPPluginCall *)call
  BOOL value = [call getBool:@"isVisible" defaultValue:FALSE];

  NSLog(@"Accessory bar visible change %d", value);
  self.hideFormAccessoryBar = !value;
  [call resolve];

- (void)hide:(CAPPluginCall *)call
  dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
    [self.webView endEditing:YES];
  [call resolve];

- (void)show:(CAPPluginCall *)call
  [call unimplemented];

- (void)setStyle:(CAPPluginCall *)call
  self.keyboardStyle = [call getString:@"style" defaultValue:@"LIGHT"];
  [call resolve];

- (void)setResizeMode:(CAPPluginCall *)call
  NSString * mode = [call getString:@"mode" defaultValue:@"none"];
  if ([mode isEqualToString:@"ionic"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeIonic;
  } else if ([mode isEqualToString:@"body"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeBody;
  } else if ([mode isEqualToString:@"native"]) {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeNative;
  } else {
    self.keyboardResizes = ResizeNone;
  [call resolve];

- (void)getResizeMode:(CAPPluginCall *)call
    NSString *mode;
    if (self.keyboardResizes == ResizeIonic) {
        mode = @"ionic";
    } else if(self.keyboardResizes == ResizeBody) {
        mode = @"body";
    } else if (self.keyboardResizes == ResizeNative) {
        mode = @"native";
    } else {
        mode = @"none";
    NSDictionary *response = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:mode forKey:@"mode"];
    [call resolve: response];

- (void)setScroll:(CAPPluginCall *)call {
  self.disableScroll = [call getBool:@"isDisabled" defaultValue:FALSE];
  [call resolve];

- (void)changeKeyboardStyle:(NSString*)style
  IMP newImp = nil;
  if ([style isEqualToString:@"DARK"]) {
    newImp = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id _s) {
      return UIKeyboardAppearanceDark;
  } else if ([style isEqualToString:@"LIGHT"]) {
    newImp = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id _s) {
      return UIKeyboardAppearanceLight;
  } else {
    newImp = imp_implementationWithBlock(^(id _s) {
      return UIKeyboardAppearanceDefault;
  for (NSString* classString in @[WKClassString, UITraitsClassString]) {
    Class c = NSClassFromString(classString);
    Method m = class_getInstanceMethod(c, @selector(keyboardAppearance));
    if (m != NULL) {
      method_setImplementation(m, newImp);
    } else {
      class_addMethod(c, @selector(keyboardAppearance), newImp, "l@:");
  _keyboardStyle = style;

#pragma mark dealloc

- (void)dealloc
  [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self];

#pragma clang diagnostic pop

Espero que me puedan ayudar, llevo tiempo intentando resolver inconvenientes anteriores pero con este error no he podido seguir


  • Estás usando el archivo con extensión .xcworkspace?
    – Bicho
    Commented el 6 dic. 2022 a las 15:45
  • No, estoy usando el .xcodeproj
    – Brawl
    Commented el 6 dic. 2022 a las 16:58
  • 1
    Deberías usar el archivo con extensión .xcworkspace.
    – Bicho
    Commented el 6 dic. 2022 a las 22:53

1 respuesta 1



Simplemente me daba esos errores debido a que tenía mis librerías sin concordancia es decir:


Tenía una versión diferente a:


Entonces por ello me daban esos errores que no son errores hehe

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