Hola estoy usando POSTGRESQL, como puedo saber si una clave primaria de mi "Tabla A" esta como clave foranea en otras tablas como "Tabla B", "Tabla C", etc.

1 respuesta 1


El camino es buscar en la tabla information_schema.table_constraints, los constraints de tipo 'FOREIGN KEY'. Por ahí había encontrado una consulta que usaba esta y un par más de tablas de la metadata

Algo como:

select kcu.table_schema || '.' ||kcu.table_name as foreign_table,
       '>-' as rel,
       rel_tco.table_schema || '.' || rel_tco.table_name as primary_table,
       string_agg(kcu.column_name, ', ') as fk_columns,
from information_schema.table_constraints tco
join information_schema.key_column_usage kcu
          on tco.constraint_schema = kcu.constraint_schema
          and tco.constraint_name = kcu.constraint_name
join information_schema.referential_constraints rco
          on tco.constraint_schema = rco.constraint_schema
          and tco.constraint_name = rco.constraint_name
join information_schema.table_constraints rel_tco
          on rco.unique_constraint_schema = rel_tco.constraint_schema
          and rco.unique_constraint_name = rel_tco.constraint_name
where tco.constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY'
group by kcu.table_schema,
order by kcu.table_schema,

Dará un resultado similar a:

|foreign_table  |rel|primary_table|fk_columns  |constraint_name   |
|public.table1  |>-|public.table2|ch_other_id  |field_id_fk|
|public.table3|>-|public.table4|acc_table_id|other_id_fk |

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