Tengo una dataframe df
con numeros entre 1 y 7 y me gustaria transformar los en catagorias (neg
si esta <3, pos
si esta >5 y neut
0 3.75 3.50 4.00 4.75 3.00
1 4.75 5.25 3.75 5.50 2.00
2 3.25 4.00 3.75 4.00 5.50
3 2.75 4.00 4.00 4.00 2.75
Entonces intenté:
for col in columns:
for _, row in df[col].iterrows():
if row<3:
df.iloc[i,row] = "neg"
elif row >5:
df.iloc[i,row] = "pos"
df.iloc[i,row] = "neut"
Pero obtengo:
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-124-71393cdf0d1e> in <module>
3 for col in columns:
----> 4 for _, row in df[col].iterrows():
5 if row<3:
6 df.iloc[i,row] = "neg"
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\generic.py in __getattr__(self, name)
5272 if self._info_axis._can_hold_identifiers_and_holds_name(name):
5273 return self[name]
-> 5274 return object.__getattribute__(self, name)
5276 def __setattr__(self, name: str, value) -> None:
AttributeError: 'Series' object has no attribute 'iterrows'
Intenté tambien:
df.loc[df['A','B', 'C', 'D','E'] > 5, ['A','B', 'C', 'D','E']] = "pos"
Pero me devuelvé:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
2645 try:
-> 2646 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
2647 except KeyError:
pandas\_libs\index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()
pandas\_libs\index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()
pandas\_libs\hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()
pandas\_libs\hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()
KeyError: ('Openess', 'Conscientiousness', 'Extraversion', 'Agreeableness', 'Neuroticism')
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-132-bd0104cc9380> in <module>
11 # df.iloc[i,row] = "neut"
---> 13 df.loc[df['Openess','Conscientiousness', 'Extraversion', 'Agreeableness','Neuroticism'] > 5, ['Openess','Conscientiousness', 'Extraversion', 'Agreeableness','Neuroticism']] = "pos"
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\frame.py in __getitem__(self, key)
2798 if self.columns.nlevels > 1:
2799 return self._getitem_multilevel(key)
-> 2800 indexer = self.columns.get_loc(key)
2801 if is_integer(indexer):
2802 indexer = [indexer]
C:\ProgramData\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\pandas\core\indexes\base.py in get_loc(self, key, method, tolerance)
2646 return self._engine.get_loc(key)
2647 except KeyError:
-> 2648 return self._engine.get_loc(self._maybe_cast_indexer(key))
2649 indexer = self.get_indexer([key], method=method, tolerance=tolerance)
2650 if indexer.ndim > 1 or indexer.size > 1:
pandas\_libs\index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()
pandas\_libs\index.pyx in pandas._libs.index.IndexEngine.get_loc()
pandas\_libs\hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()
pandas\_libs\hashtable_class_helper.pxi in pandas._libs.hashtable.PyObjectHashTable.get_item()
KeyError: ('Openess', 'Conscientiousness', 'Extraversion', 'Agreeableness', 'Neuroticism')