Tengo este error que no me deja avanzar en el programa, soy principiante en esto de la programación, a continuación dejo un fragmento del código.

  Function VeriryInputRange(worksheets As Double) As Boolean

Worksheet = Sheets("welldata") Row = ActiveCell.Row Count = Selection.Rows.Count If (Row >= 6 And Row <= 18 And Row + Count <= 18
+ 1) Then
    VeriryInputRange = True Else
    VeriryInputRange = False End If

Worksheet = Sheets("completiondata") Row = ActiveCell.Row Count = Selection.Rows.Count If (Row >= 6 And Row <= 18 And Row + Count <= 18
+ 1) Then
    VeriryInputRange = True Else
    VeriryInputRange = False End If

End Function

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

'Verify input data range
*If (Not VeriryInputRange(worksheets As Double)) Then* MsgBox ("Please select the line with the well data") Exit Sub End If
  • 2
    Cambia: If (Not VeriryInputRange(worksheets As Double)) Then por: If (Not VeriryInputRange(2)) Then Siendo ese 2 el número de hojas.
    – Damian
    Commented el 30 oct. 2019 a las 15:40
  • muchas gracias! Commented el 30 oct. 2019 a las 19:48


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