Me encuentro haciendo mi quiz y lo que pasa es que quiero lograr que cuando llegue al cuadro de resultado donde aparece el puntaje, le de al botón de "Play Again" y me vuelva a reiniciar el quiz, que me lo mande a la primera página que apareció al principio.
Si lo prueban, de hecho, se va a la principal y me va a las preguntas luego, pero al momento de entrar a las preguntas la imagen no se quita y los botones están deshabilitados. Quiero que se me vuelva a poner como si hubiera recargado la página.
Éste es mi código:
//array of Html fills
let fill = [{
"title": "QUESTION 1",
"question": "It is considered that the first high-level language was?",
"option1": "Ada",
"option2": "C",
"option3": "Fortran",
"option4": "Java",
"answer": "3"
}, {
"title": "QUESTION 2",
"question": "if, else, for and while are?",
"option1": "Data access functions",
"option2": "Type of data",
"option3": "Control statements",
"option4": "all of the above",
"answer": "3"
}, {
"title": "QUESTION 3",
"question": "The number 1010 in binary is represented in decimal as?",
"option1": "8",
"option2": "65",
"option3": "97",
"option4": "None of the above",
"answer": "4"
}, {
"title": "QUESTION 4",
"question": "int, char, float, string y boolean are?",
"option1": "Control statements",
"option2": "Type of data",
"option3": "Data acess functions",
"option4": "Data access instructions",
"answer": "2"
}, {
"title": "QUESTION 5",
"question": "What does EOF mean?",
"option1": "Empty or full",
"option2": "End of file",
"option3": "End of loop",
"option4": "None of the above",
"answer": "2"
//images wrong or correct
let imageCorrect = document.getElementById("correct");
let imageWrong = document.getElementById("wrong");
//variables general
let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0];
let first = document.getElementById("first");
let contenedor = document.getElementsByClassName("contenedor")[0];
let question = document.getElementsByClassName("question")[0];
let title = document.getElementById("title");
let paragraph = document.getElementById("redact");
let option1 = document.getElementById("option1");
let option2 = document.getElementById("option2");
let option3 = document.getElementById("option3");
let option4 = document.getElementById("option4");
let message = document.getElementById("message");
let button = document.getElementById("start");
let check = document.getElementById("check");
let next = document.getElementById("next");
let result = document.getElementById("result");
let input = document.querySelectorAll('.inputs input[type="radio"]');
let again = document.getElementById("again")
// points and question variables
let actualQuestion = 0;
let points = 0;
let numQuestions = fill.length;
// init page
body.addEventListener('load', start(), false);
function start() { = 'none';
// listener button
button.addEventListener('click', function() { = 'none'; = '#FFA54F'; = 'block';
next.disabled = true;
// fill html
function arrays(index) {
let quest = fill[index];
title.textContent = quest.title;
paragraph.textContent = quest.question;
option1.textContent = quest.option1;
option2.textContent = quest.option2;
option3.textContent = quest.option3;
option4.textContent = quest.option4; = 'none';
// check answer
function nextQuestion() {
let choose = document.querySelector('input[type=radio]:checked');
if (!choose) { = 'block';
message.textContent = "Please answer the question"; = "20px"; = "0.7em";
} else {
let value = choose.value;
if (fill[actualQuestion].answer == value) { = "block";
points += 20;
} else { = 'block';
if ((choose.checked)) { = "none";
next.disabled = false;
check.disabled = true;
choose.checked = false;
if (actualQuestion === numQuestions) {
next.textContent = "Result";
//button next
next.addEventListener('click', function() {
if (actualQuestion === numQuestions) {
let score = document.getElementById("score"); = 'none'; = "#FFAE75"; = "block";
score.textContent = "Your score " + points;
} else {
next.disabled = true;
check.disabled =false; = "none"; = "none";
//disabled buttons after answer
function disabledInputs() {
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
input[i].disabled = true;
//active next question
function activeInputs() {
for (let i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
input[i].disabled = false;
// check the answer
check.addEventListener('click', nextQuestion)
points = 0;
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Quiz Game</title>
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<div class="container">
<header class="row">
<div class="col">
<h1>Quiz Game</h1>
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<main class="row contenedor p-3 ">
<div class="col">
<div class="row question">
<div class="col-12">
<h3 id="title"></h3>
<div class="col-12">
<p class="redact" id="redact"></p>
<div class="row p-0">
<div class=" col-xs-11 col-8 p-0 inputs">
<input id="answer1" name="select" class="selects" type="radio" value="1"><label class="select" for="answer1"><span id="option1"></span></label><br>
<input id="answer2" name="select" class="selects" type="radio" value="2"><label class="select" for="answer2"><span id="option2"></span></label><br>
<input id="answer3" name="select" class="selects" type="radio" value="3"><label class="select" for="answer3"><span id="option3"></span></label><br>
<input id="answer4" name="select" class="selects" type="radio" value="4"><label class="select" for="answer4"><span id="option4"></span></label>
<div class=" col-4 col-xs-1 p-0 images"><img alt="correct" class="image correct" id="correct" src =""> <img alt="correct" class="image wrong" id="wrong" src=""></div>
<div class="col-12">
<p id="message" class="message"></p>
<div class="col-6">
<button class=" btn btn-danger mt-4 check" id="check">Check!</button>
<div class="col-6">
<button class=" btn btn-outline-dark mt-4 next" id="next" class="result">Next!</button>
<div class="col result" id="result">
<h2>Thanks For play</h2>
<p id="score" class="mb-3"></p>
<button class=" btn btn-success mt-4 next" id="again" class="result">Play Again!</button>
<div id="first" class="row">
<div class="col">
<h2>Welcome to Quiz Game</h2>
<p class="introduction">The game consists of answering the questions that will appear as you answer, once you have finished answering, you will get your results</p>
<h3>ARE YOU READY?</h3><button class="btn btn-primary btn-large" id="start">Start!</button>
<script src="js/index.js">