Estoy tratando de multiplicar dos variables (sean ContractsQty y LeaseQty) para obtener el total de lineas que tienen que crearse.

Estoy tratando de utilizar algo parecido a esto:

'Calcular cantidad de lineas
Dim ContractsQty As Range
Set ContractsQty = vcr.Range("Q2:Q" & Cells(Rows.Count, 17).End(xlDown).Row)
Dim LeaseQty As Range
Set LeaseQty = Sheets("Pivot").Range("B2:B" & Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlDown).Row)
Dim TotalLines As Long
Dim TotalContracts As Long
TotalContracts = ContractsQty.Count
Dim TotalLease As Long
TotalLease = LeaseQty.Count
Dim TotalofLines As Integer
TotalofLines = TotalContracts * TotalLease

pero arroja el error

"Run-time error '6':" Overflow 

1 respuesta 1


Es por detalles en el código, los resalte con comentarios en su respectiva linea:

Dim ContractsQty As Range
    Set ContractsQty = vcr.Range("Q2:Q" & Cells(Rows.Count, 17).End(xlUp).row) 'Usar xlUp en lugar de xlDown
Dim LeaseQty As Range
    Set LeaseQty = Sheets("Pivot").Range("B2:B" & Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).row) 'Usar xlUp en lugar de xlDown
Dim TotalLines As Long
Dim TotalContracts As Long
    TotalContracts = ContractsQty.Rows.Count 'Cuenta total de filas
Dim TotalLease As Long
    TotalLease = LeaseQty.Rows.Count 'Cuenta total de filas
Dim TotalofLines As Integer
    TotalofLines = TotalContracts * TotalLease

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