He instalado libnfc1.8.0 en una raspberry pi con el S.O Bullseye de la siguiente forma:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install libusb-dev libpcsclite-dev i2c-tools
cd libnfc-1.8.0
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc
sudo make install
cd /etc
sudo mkdir nfc
sudo nano /etc/nfc/libnfc.conf
Y luego ingreso este texto en el archivo libnfc.conf
[Escribir lo siguiente en el archivo:]
# Allow device auto-detection (default: true)
# Note: if this auto-detection is disabled, user has to set manually a device
# configuration using file or environment variable
allow_autoscan = true
# Allow intrusive auto-detection (default: false)
# Warning: intrusive auto-detection can seriously disturb other devices
# This option is not recommended, user should prefer to add manually his device.
allow_intrusive_scan = false
# Set log level (default: error)
# Valid log levels are (in order of verbosity): 0 (none), 1 (error), 2 (info), 3 (debug)
# Note: if you compiled with --enable-debug option, the default log level is "debug"
log_level = 1
# Manually set default device (no default)
# To set a default device, you must set both name and connstring for your device
# Note: if autoscan is enabled, default device will be the first device available in device list.
device.name = "_PN532_SPI"
device.connstring = "pn532_spi:/dev/spidev0.0:500000"
#device.name = "_PN532_I2c"
#device.connstring = "pn532_i2c:/dev/i2c-1"
Hasta ahí la instalación ha salido bien, pero al momento de ingresar el comando nfc-list o nfc-poll
Me marca esta advertencia:
pi@raspberrypi:~ $ nfc-list
nfc-list uses libnfc 1.8.0
No NFC device found.
¿Alguien sabe que es lo que sucede, si me falto instalar alguna otra cosa?
Estoy 100% seguro que el Reader que estoy utilizando esta funcionando.