Recorro el array de los resultados por medio de un for pero me encuentro con que si algún valor de los que consulto no existe el for se corta y de 8 resultados me trae solamente los primeros resultados validos devolviendome un Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getAmount() on null (en este caso no hay datos en getAmount()
Mi pregunta es cual seria la forma correcta de validar el campo y si no existe modificar la varible, probe con If !empty isset pero no me funciono.
un poco de código a modo de ejemplo:
$itemCount = 8;
$searchItemsResponse = $apiInstance->searchItems($searchItemsRequest);
for ($i=0; $i < $itemCount ; $i++) {
$itemtest = $searchItemsResponse->getSearchResult()->getItems()[$i];
$precio = $itemtest->getOffers()->getListings()->getPrice()->getAmount();
Me gustaria logral que la variable precio tome el valor que trae de la consulta por medio de los getters pero en caso de NULL o vacio se modifique por un mensaje ejemplo $precio = "Consultar";
Desde ya muchas gracias.
Item sin precio:
"DetailPageURL": "https:\/\/\/dp\/B08XYRDSL7?tag=regalos01f-20&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1",
"Images": {
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"URL": "https:\/\/\/images\/I\/31igWfQ637L._SL160_.jpg",
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"ItemInfo": {
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"Brand": {
"DisplayValue": "HP",
"Label": "Brand",
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"Manufacturer": {
"DisplayValue": "HP Printers",
"Label": "Manufacturer",
"Locale": "en_US"
"Features": {
"DisplayValues": [
"BEST FOR BASIC PRINTING \u2013 Print basic color documents like recipes, forms and travel documents",
"KEY FEATURES \u2013 Print, copy and scan in color, auto document feeder, mobile fax, mobile and wireless printing",
"HP+ SMART PRINTING SYSTEM \u2013 The optional HP+ system enables your printer to think ahead so it's more secure, more productive and ready when you are. Requires an HP account, internet connection and use of only Original HP Ink for the life of the printer.",
"6 FREE MONTHS OF INSTANT INK & AN EXTRA YEAR OF HP WARRANTY \u2013 when you activate optional HP+ and Instant Ink when setting up your printer. Only with HP+.",
"EASY SETUP \u2013 Get started fast on any device with the HP Smart app that guides you step by step.",
"HP SMART APP \u2013 Print, scan and copy from your phone\u2014whenever, wherever. Get advanced features for 24 months with HP+.",
"WORRY-FREE WIRELESS \u2013 Get better range and more reliable connections using dual-band Wi-Fi with self-reset.",
"INK DELIVERED BEFORE YOU RUN OUT \u2013 Never run out of ink with an optional Instant Ink subscription. Try free for 6 months with HP+. Credit card required; change or cancel anytime."
"Label": "Features",
"Locale": "en_US"
"ManufactureInfo": {
"ItemPartNumber": {
"DisplayValue": "26Q90A#B1H",
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"Model": {
"DisplayValue": "DJ 4155e",
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"Warranty": {
"DisplayValue": "HP standard 1-year limited warranty, extended to 2 years with HP+ registration",
"Label": "Warranty",
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"Unit": "Inches"
"Weight": {
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"Unit": "Inches"
"ReleaseDate": {
"DisplayValue": "2021-04-18T00:00:01Z",
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"DisplayValue": "Standard",
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"UnitCount": {
"DisplayValue": 1,
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"Locale": "en_US"
"Title": {
"DisplayValue": "HP DeskJet 4155e All-in-One Wireless Color Printer, with bonus 6 months free Instant Ink with HP+ (26Q90A)",
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"Locale": "en_US"
"Offers": {
"Listings": [
"DeliveryInfo": {
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"ViolatesMAP": true
Diferencia Item con precio
"Offers": {
"Listings": [
"DeliveryInfo": {
"IsFreeShippingEligible": true,
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"Id": "Cp0oAeaX2ZEdzZYRlATlZ9M%2FodKT6gjV7QUZ0eTV2pYJ40TsuuDYAZGJJJ3CXo%2FdDxBfXqTIrRBJdExIg4tslIaGil0jRUcAs0wOUagbd%2B5nXVKQATQpLA%3D%3D",
"Price": {
"Amount": 99.99,
"Currency": "USD",
"DisplayAmount": "$99.99"
"ViolatesMAP": false
, puede ser algo como$itemtest['algo']['algoMas']...
... utilizaprint_r($itemtest)
y copia y pega tal cual aparezca