Para esto puede ser muy útil usar tidyr::unnest()
, que "expande" una columna tipo lista en filas.
starwars %>%
unnest(films) %>%
filter(species =="Human",
height >=170,
films %in% c("The Empire Strikes Back", "Attack of the Clones")) %>%
select(name, films)
# A tibble: 20 x 2
name films
<chr> <chr>
1 Luke Skywalker The Empire Strikes Back
2 Darth Vader The Empire Strikes Back
3 Owen Lars Attack of the Clones
4 Obi-Wan Kenobi The Empire Strikes Back
5 Obi-Wan Kenobi Attack of the Clones
6 Anakin Skywalker Attack of the Clones
7 Han Solo The Empire Strikes Back
8 Wedge Antilles The Empire Strikes Back
9 Palpatine The Empire Strikes Back
10 Palpatine Attack of the Clones
11 Boba Fett The Empire Strikes Back
12 Boba Fett Attack of the Clones
13 Lando Calrissian The Empire Strikes Back
14 Lobot The Empire Strikes Back
15 Mace Windu Attack of the Clones
16 Gregar Typho Attack of the Clones
17 Cliegg Lars Attack of the Clones
18 Dooku Attack of the Clones
19 Bail Prestor Organa Attack of the Clones
20 Jango Fett Attack of the Clones
Claro que finalmente terminarás con un tibble
con más filas de las originales, si no es lo que quieres, puedes volver a "comprimir" los films
mediante nest()
starwars %>%
unnest(films) %>%
filter(species =="Human",
height >=170,
films %in% c("The Empire Strikes Back", "Attack of the Clones")) %>%
nest(films = films
# A tibble: 17 x 14
name height mass hair_color skin_color eye_color birth_year sex gender homeworld species
<chr> <int> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr>
1 Luke Sky… 172 77 blond fair blue 19 male mascu… Tatooine Human
2 Darth Va… 202 136 none white yellow 41.9 male mascu… Tatooine Human
3 Owen Lars 178 120 brown, grey light blue 52 male mascu… Tatooine Human
4 Obi-Wan … 182 77 auburn, wh… fair blue-gray 57 male mascu… Stewjon Human
5 Anakin S… 188 84 blond fair blue 41.9 male mascu… Tatooine Human
6 Han Solo 180 80 brown fair brown 29 male mascu… Corellia Human
7 Wedge An… 170 77 brown fair hazel 21 male mascu… Corellia Human
8 Palpatine 170 75 grey pale yellow 82 male mascu… Naboo Human
9 Boba Fett 183 78.2 black fair brown 31.5 male mascu… Kamino Human
10 Lando Ca… 177 79 black dark brown 31 male mascu… Socorro Human
11 Lobot 175 79 none light blue 37 male mascu… Bespin Human
12 Mace Win… 188 84 none dark brown 72 male mascu… Haruun K… Human
13 Gregar T… 185 85 black dark brown NA male mascu… Naboo Human
14 Cliegg L… 183 NA brown fair blue 82 male mascu… Tatooine Human
15 Dooku 193 80 white fair brown 102 male mascu… Serenno Human
16 Bail Pre… 191 NA black tan brown 67 male mascu… Alderaan Human
17 Jango Fe… 183 79 black tan brown 66 male mascu… Concord … Human
# … with 3 more variables: vehicles <list>, starships <list>, films <list>
Otra forma, es usar purrr::map_lgl()
para aplicar una función sobre cada lista de la columna films
starwars %>%
filter(species =="Human",
height >=170,
~ any(. %in% c("The Empire Strikes Back","Attack of the Clones")))