estoy empezando con recyclerview y al momento de cargar a la listaRestaurant un objeto restaurant, me cargo los datos, pero no la imagen. La imagen la cargo de una url del buscador de google. La app no se cierra al ejecutar y tampoco el debug marca nada, simplemente no se ve la imagen, segui los pasos del tutorial al pie de la letra pero no consigo dar con el problema
//aca seteo
public void onBindViewHolder(final ViewHolder holder, int position) {
holder.mItem = mValues.get(position);
holder.mView.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if (null != mListener) {
// Notify the active callbacks interface (the activity, if the
// fragment is attached to one) that an item has been selected.
luego defino los valores para cada elemento
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container, Bundle savedInstanceState)
View v = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_restaurante_list, container, false);
// Set the adapter
if (v instanceof RecyclerView) {
Context context = v.getContext();
recyclerView = (RecyclerView) v;
if (mColumnCount <= 1) {
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(context));
} else {
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new GridLayoutManager(context, mColumnCount));
//lita elementos (rastaurantes)
restauranteList=new ArrayList<>();
restauranteList.add(new Restaurante("Pizzeria Las Cuartetas","",4.0f,"Buenos Aires, Argentina"));
restauranteList.add(new Restaurante("Restaurant 25 de Mayo","",3.0f,"San Miguel, Argentina"));
restauranteList.add(new Restaurante("Panquequeria Lo de Carlitos","",4.0f,"Villa Gesell, Argentina"));
restauranteList.add(new Restaurante("FastFood McDonald`s","",2.0f,"Ezeiza, Argentina"));
//asociamos recyclerview al adaptador
adapterRestaurantes =(new MyRestauranteRecyclerViewAdapter(restauranteList, mListener));
return v;