Tengo la siguiente consulta:
SELECT plague, fecha, FORMAT(((cuadrantes_infectados * 100) / total_cuadrantes),3) AS percentage
SELECT pr_plagues.plague, YEARWEEK(ph_planthealth.date) AS fecha,
(SELECT COUNT(pr_production_units_details.id)
FROM pr_production_units_details
INNER JOIN pr_grouper_details ON pr_grouper_details.id = pr_production_units_details.id_grouper_detail
WHERE pr_production_units_details.status = 100
AND pr_grouper_details.id_land = 1
AND pr_grouper_details.status = 100
AND pr_production_units_details.id_tenant = 1) * (SELECT value FROM cf_config WHERE parameter = 'PLANTHEALTH_QUADRANTS' AND id_tenant = 1) AS total_cuadrantes,
COUNT(ph_planthealth_detail.quadrant) AS cuadrantes_infectados
FROM ph_planthealth
INNER JOIN ph_planthealth_detail ON ph_planthealth_detail.id_planthealth = ph_planthealth.id
INNER JOIN pr_plagues ON pr_plagues.id = ph_planthealth_detail.id_plague
WHERE YEARWEEK(ph_planthealth.date) BETWEEN YEARWEEK('2017-06-01') AND YEARWEEK('2017-06-10')
AND ph_planthealth.status = 200
AND ph_planthealth.id_tenant = 1
AND ph_planthealth.id_land = 1
GROUP BY ph_planthealth_detail.id_plague, YEARWEEK(ph_planthealth.date)
) AS s
ORDER BY percentage DESC
que me arroja el siguiente resultado:
plague | fecha | percentage
PLAGA1 | 201723 | 9.911
PLAGA1 | 201722 | 6.728
PLAGA2 | 201722 | 4.727
PLAGA3 | 201723 | 4.358
PLAGA4 | 201723 | 4.023
PLAGA4 | 201722 | 2.903
PLAGA3 | 201722 | 2.760
PLAGA2 | 201723 | 10.266
Lo que quiero es ordenar plague desde el mayor percentage hasta el más menor, según la última semana es decir 201723, pero me quede agrupada con la semana anterior 201722, es decir,
plague | fecha | percentage
PLAGA2 | 201723 | 10.266
PLAGA2 | 201722 | 4.727
PLAGA1 | 201723 | 9.911
PLAGA1 | 201722 | 6.728
PLAGA3 | 201723 | 4.358
PLAGA3 | 201722 | 2.760
PLAGA4 | 201723 | 4.023
PLAGA4 | 201722 | 2.903
He investigado pero no he podido agruparlo y organizarlos de esa manera, espero me puedan ayudar!
ORDER BY fecha, percentage DESC