Si necesitas deserializar de forma generica, puedes usar el `JObject` [Parsing JSON Object using JObject.Parse][1] string json = @"{ CPU: 'Intel', Drives: [ 'DVD read/writer', '500 gigabyte hard drive' ] }"; JObject o = JObject.Parse(json); se puede deserializar sin un objeto [Using JSON.NET for dynamic JSON parsing][2] analiza el titulo "Importing JSON with JObject.Parse() and JArray.Parse()" pero basicamente define var jsonString = @"{""Name"":""Rick"",""Company"":""West Wind"", ""Entered"":""2012-03-16T00:03:33.245-10:00""}"; dynamic json = JValue.Parse(jsonString); string name = json.Name; string company = json.Company; DateTime entered = json.Entered; al usar `dynamic` no tendrias problema en deserializar el json sin una clase Si usas el JObject puedes acceder a los nodos [Parse JSON object in C# with different value types][3] string sampleJson = "{\"results\":[" + "{\"employeename\":\"name1\",\"employeesupervisor\":\"supervisor1\"}," + "{\"employeename\":\"name2\",\"employeesupervisor\":\"supervisor1\"}," + "{\"employeename\":\"name3\",\"employeesupervisor\":[\"supervisor1\",\"supervisor2\"]}" + "]}"; // Parse JSON into dynamic object, convenient! JObject results = JObject.Parse(sampleJson); // Process each employee foreach (var result in results["results"]) { // this can be a string or null string employeeName = (string)result["employeename"]; //resto codigo En resumen podrias usar el JObject o dynamic para deserializar sin una clase con la cual mapear el json [1]: [2]: [3]: