class NotaProg1 {

    public static double NotaProg1Cont (double eval1,double eval2,double 
    ent,double clase){
    if (eval2 < 5)
     return 0;
    return (eval1* 0.20)+(eval2 *0.5)+ (ent * 0.2) + (clase * 0.1);
    public static double NotaProg1(double evalCont,double examenFinal){
     if (evalCont == 1)
       return NotaProg1Cont();
       return examenFinal;

    public static void main (String args[]){
    double eval1=7.6;
    double eval2=7;
    double ent=9.5;
    double clase=8.3;
    double evalCont= 1;
    double examenFinal=9;
    System.out.println("NotaProg1Cont=" + NotaProg1Cont(eval1,eval2,ent,clase));
    System.out.println("NotaProg=" + NotaProg1(evalCont,examenFinal));
     }// final de main
 // cuando llamo a la función "NotaProg1Cont" dentro de mi otra función "NotaProg", me sale el siguiente error,"**The method NotaProg1Cont(double, double, double, double) in the type NotaProg1 is not applicable for the arguments ()**"