Tengo 2 problemas que aparecen al inicio de mi sitio, y son los siguientes: > Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, null given in /home1/j8f5w8o7/nepe.smeext-carding.com/pieces/inc.php on line 26 > Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /home1/j8f5w8o7/nepe.smeext-carding.com/pieces/inc.php on line 27 Este es mi codigo: <?php session_start(); ob_start(); $display = new display(); $user = new user(); DEFINE("localhost", ""); DEFINE("j8f5w8o7_finix", ""); DEFINE("yael2204", ""); DEFINE("j8f5w8o7_finix", ""); $sql = new mysqli(host, username, password, database); function __destruct() { ob_clean(); } class settings { public static function website($data) { global $sql; $website = mysqli_query($sql, 'SELECT * FROM merchant LIMIT 1'); $fwebsite = mysqli_fetch_array($website); return $fwebsite[$data]; } } class display { public static function success($msg) { echo('<div class="alert alert-success role="alert" style="text-align: center;">'.$msg.'</div>'); } public static function error($msg) { echo('<div class="alert alert-danger role="alert" style="text-align: center;">'.$msg.'</div>'); } } class user { function IsLogged() { global $sql; /* If session exists. */ if(!isset($_SESSION['auth'])){ header('Location: signin.php'); exit(); } /* Additional check.If session is null or user does not exists. */ if(isset($_SESSION['auth'])) { if(is_numeric($_SESSION['auth']) && !empty($_SESSION['auth'])) { $query = mysqli_query($sql, 'SELECT UserName FROM users WHERE UserID = "'.$_SESSION['auth'].'"'); if(mysqli_num_rows($query) == 0) { unset($_SESSION['auth']); header('Location: signin.php'); exit(); } } } } function IsBanned() { $banned = $this->GetData('UserBanned'); if($banned == 1) { header('Location: ./index.php'); exit(); } } function IsAdmin() { if($this->GetData('UserAdmin') == 0) { header('Location: ./index.php'); exit(); } } function HasMembership() { if($this->GetData('UserMembership') == 0) { header('Location: ./purchase.php'); exit(); } } function GetData($data) { global $sql; if(isset($_SESSION['auth'])) { $id = $_SESSION['auth']; if(is_numeric($id)) { $query = mysqli_query($sql, 'SELECT '.$data.' FROM users WHERE UserID = "'.$id.'"'); $row = mysqli_fetch_array($query); return $row[$data]; } } } }