I have a segmentation fault with my trial code ,I have searched information but i can't found the solution by myself.

This is my main:

int main(){

AVLTNode<int>::Ref nodo;


This is avltree.hpp:

using namespace std;
/** @brief a AVLTree's Node.*/
template <class T>
class AVLTNode

    typedef std::shared_ptr< AVLTNode<T> > Ref;

    /** @name Life cicle.*/
    /** @{*/

    /** @brief Create a AVLTNode.
     * @post n_children() == 0
    AVLTNode (T const& it=T(), AVLTNode<T>::Ref parent=nullptr, AVLTNode<T>::Ref left=nullptr, AVLTNode<T>::Ref right=nullptr):
        _item(it), parent_(parent), left_(left), right_(right), height_(0)

    /** @brief Set the data item.*/
    void set_item(const T& new_it)
        _item = new_it;
    T _item;
    AVLTNode<T>::Ref parent_;
    AVLTNode<T>::Ref left_;
    AVLTNode<T>::Ref right_;
    int height_;
Why the error is at?
