I speak Spanish but write in English to have more reach, sorry if you write something wrong.

I am new to mobile application development and I am wanting to make an application with native modules in expo, and I saw that to code better they used Android Studio for Kotlin.

I would like to be able to use Android Studio to have autocompletion and the rest of the features that make it more comfortable for me to work.

**PROBLEM:** My problem is two things:

1 - I don't know which of the two android folders I should open with Android Studio XD

2 - In case it is the one found inside the examples folder, android throws me the error.

[![Imagen con error][1]][1]

In case that is not the android folder to open, when I open the other one I get an error with expo-modules-core.

What should I do to solve it? I was searching a lot on the internet and I didn't find much, maybe I couldn't understand the solutions I saw well. Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you very much!

  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/PbwRz.png