for(String name : Hash_file_maps.keySet()){

            TextSliderView textSliderView = new TextSliderView(MainActivity.this);
            textSliderView.bundle(new Bundle());
       // sliderLayout.setPresetTransformer(SliderLayout.Transformer.A);
        sliderLayout.setCustomAnimation(new DescriptionAnimation());

el .image() me pide un url pero en mi caso tengo un mapa de bits, y no se como mostrar mis imágenes en el carrusel.

  • utilizo un Hash_file_maps Commented el 20 jun. 2017 a las 19:21
  • Hash_file_maps es HashMap que contiene las url. es.stackoverflow.com/questions/78588/… puedes convertir esta imagen a bitmap pero el método solo acepta una url, ya revisaste esto?
    – Jorgesys
    Commented el 20 jun. 2017 a las 19:46
  • ¿Que tiene que ver este problema con la etiqueta 'android-studio'? Commented el 5 jul. 2017 a las 13:18

1 respuesta 1


Para cargar una imagen se usa el método .image() dentro de este el parámetro necesario es precisamente una url.

Si estas usando la clase TextSliderView , tendrías que realizar tu mismo la implementación.

De hecho ya se ha requerido esto.. https://github.com/daimajia/AndroidImageSlider/issues/130

pero no se ha agregado, entonces como solución es modificar la clase BaseSlider para que puedas asignar al método image() un bitmap :

package com.daimajia.slider.library.SliderTypes;

import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.ImageView;

import com.daimajia.slider.library.R;
import com.squareup.picasso.Callback;
import com.squareup.picasso.Picasso;
import com.squareup.picasso.RequestCreator;

import java.io.File;


When you want to make your own slider view, you must extends from this class.

BaseSliderView provides some useful methods.

I provide two example: {@link com.daimajia.slider.library.SliderTypes.DefaultSliderView} and

{@link com.daimajia.slider.library.SliderTypes.TextSliderView}

if you want to show progressbar, you just need to set a progressbar id as @+id/loading_bar.
public abstract class BaseSliderView {

protected Context mContext;

private Bundle mBundle;


Error place holder image.
private int mErrorPlaceHolderRes;

Empty imageView placeholder.
private int mEmptyPlaceHolderRes;
private String mUrl;
private File mFile;
private int mRes;
private Bitmap mBitmap;

protected OnSliderClickListener mOnSliderClickListener;

private boolean mErrorDisappear;

private ImageLoadListener mLoadListener;

private String mDescription;


Scale type of the image.
private ScaleType mScaleType = ScaleType.Fit;
public enum ScaleType{
CenterCrop, CenterInside, Fit, FitCenterCrop

protected BaseSliderView(Context context) {
mContext = context;
this.mBundle = new Bundle();


the placeholder image when loading image from url or file.
@Param resId Image resource id
public BaseSliderView empty(int resId){
mEmptyPlaceHolderRes = resId;
return this;

determine whether remove the image which failed to download or load from file
@Param disappear
public BaseSliderView errorDisappear(boolean disappear){
mErrorDisappear = disappear;
return this;

if you set errorDisappear false, this will set a error placeholder image.
@Param resId image resource id
public BaseSliderView error(int resId){
mErrorPlaceHolderRes = resId;
return this;

the description of a slider image.
@Param description
public BaseSliderView description(String description){
mDescription = description;
return this;

set a url as a image that preparing to load
@Param url
public BaseSliderView image(String url){
if(mFile != null || mRes != 0 || mBitmap != null){
throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," +
"you only have permission to call it once");
mUrl = url;
return this;

set a file as a image that will to load
@Param file
public BaseSliderView image(File file){
if(mUrl != null || mRes != 0 || mBitmap != null){
throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," +
"you only have permission to call it once");
mFile = file;
return this;
public BaseSliderView image(int res){
if(mUrl != null || mFile != null || mBitmap != null){
throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," +
"you only have permission to call it once");
mRes = res;
return this;

public BaseSliderView image(Bitmap bitmap){
if(mUrl != null || mFile != null || mBitmap != null){
throw new IllegalStateException("Call multi image function," +
"you only have permission to call it once");
mBitmap = bitmap;
return this;

public String getUrl(){
return mUrl;

public boolean isErrorDisappear(){
return mErrorDisappear;

public int getEmpty(){
return mEmptyPlaceHolderRes;

public int getError(){
return mErrorPlaceHolderRes;

public String getDescription(){
return mDescription;

public Context getContext(){
return mContext;


set a slider image click listener
@Param l
public BaseSliderView setOnSliderClickListener(OnSliderClickListener l){
mOnSliderClickListener = l;
return this;

When you want to implement your own slider view, please call this method in the end in getView() method

@Param v the whole view

@Param targetImageView where to place image
protected void bindEventAndShow(final View v, ImageView targetImageView){
final BaseSliderView me = this;

v.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
if(mOnSliderClickListener != null){


Picasso p = Picasso.with(mContext);
RequestCreator rq = null;
rq = p.load(mUrl);
}else if(mFile != null){
rq = p.load(mFile);
}else if(mBitmap != null){
if(v.findViewById(R.id.loading_bar) != null){
}else if(mRes != 0){
rq = p.load(mRes);

if(rq == null){

if(getEmpty() != 0){

if(getError() != 0){

switch (mScaleType){
case Fit:
case CenterCrop:
case CenterInside:

rq.into(targetImageView,new Callback() {
public void onSuccess() {
if(v.findViewById(R.id.loading_bar) != null){

public void onError() {
    if(mLoadListener != null){

public BaseSliderView setScaleType(ScaleType type){
mScaleType = type;
return this;

public ScaleType getScaleType(){
return mScaleType;


the extended class have to implement getView(), which is called by the adapter,
every extended class response to render their own view.
public abstract View getView();

set a listener to get a message , if load error.
@Param l
public void setOnImageLoadListener(ImageLoadListener l){
mLoadListener = l;
public interface OnSliderClickListener {
public void onSliderClick(BaseSliderView slider);


when you have some extra information, please put it in this bundle.
public Bundle getBundle(){
return mBundle;
public interface ImageLoadListener{
public void onStart(BaseSliderView target);
public void onEnd(boolean result,BaseSliderView target);

  • ya vi gracias, pero como llamo a la clase y la utilizo en vez de mi codigo Commented el 20 jun. 2017 a las 21:13
  • cree un nueva clase con el codigo que me mandaste @Jorgesys llamada Carrucel, pero al momento de enviarle sliderLayout.addSlider(car); no me funciona me da error, ayuda xfavor, es que soy estudiante Commented el 21 jun. 2017 a las 4:35

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