Hola como podría pasar estas funciones a estáticas:

#region "Dynamic API's"

private delegate bool ReadProcessMemoryParameters(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, ref uint lpBuffer, uint nSize, ref uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
readonly ReadProcessMemoryParameters ReadProcessMemory = CreateApi<ReadProcessMemoryParameters>("kernel32", "ReadProcessMemory");

private delegate bool CreateProcessParameters(string ApplicationName, string CommandLine, IntPtr ProcessAttributes, IntPtr ThreadAttributes, bool InheritHandles, uint CreationFlags, IntPtr Environment, string CurrentDirectory, ref STARTUPINFO StartupInfo, ref PROCESS_INFORMATION ProcessInformation);
CreateProcessParameters CreateProcess = CreateApi<CreateProcessParameters>("kernel32", "CreateProcessA");

private delegate uint NtQueryInformationProcessParameters(IntPtr hProcess, int ProcessInformationClass, ref PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION ProcessInformation, uint ProcessInformationLength, ref uint ReturnLength);
readonly NtQueryInformationProcessParameters NtQueryInformationProcess = CreateApi<NtQueryInformationProcessParameters>("ntdll", "NtQueryInformationProcess");

private delegate bool GetThreadContext64Parameters(IntPtr hThread, ref CONTEXT32 lpContext);
GetThreadContext64Parameters GetThreadContext64 = null;

private delegate bool IsWow64ProcessParameters(IntPtr hProcess, ref bool Wow64Process);
readonly IsWow64ProcessParameters IsWow64Process = CreateApi<IsWow64ProcessParameters>("kernel32", "IsWow64Process");

private delegate bool WriteProcessMemoryParameters(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpBaseAddress, IntPtr lpBuffer, uint nSize, ref uint lpNumberOfBytesWritten);
readonly WriteProcessMemoryParameters WriteProcessMemory = CreateApi<WriteProcessMemoryParameters>("kernel32", "WriteProcessMemory");

private delegate uint NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr pBaseAddress);
readonly NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters NtUnmapViewOfSection = CreateApi<NtUnmapViewOfSectionParameters>("ntdll", "NtUnmapViewOfSection");

private delegate IntPtr VirtualAllocExParameters(IntPtr hProcess, IntPtr lpAddress, uint dwSize, uint flAllocationType, uint flProtect);
readonly VirtualAllocExParameters VirtualAllocEx = CreateApi<VirtualAllocExParameters>("kernel32", "VirtualAllocEx");

private delegate uint ResumeThreadParameters(IntPtr hThread);
readonly ResumeThreadParameters ResumeThread = CreateApi<ResumeThreadParameters>("kernel32", "ResumeThread");


he intentado con:

private static delegate

Con todos, pero no ha funcionado, como podría poner las funciones en estático?

1 respuesta 1


Declarar un delegado como static no tiene ningun sentido. La declaración de un delegado simplemente es una definición de tipo:

Cada tipo delegado describe el número y tipo de los argumentos, así como el tipo del valor devuelto de los métodos que puede encapsular

Tutorial de delegados,MSDN

En todo caso, si puedes declarar como static una instancia de tu delegado:

private delegate uint ResumeThreadParameters(IntPtr hThread);
static readonly ResumeThreadParameters ResumeThread = CreateApi<ResumeThreadParameters>("kernel32", "ResumeThread");

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