
Estoy tratando de encontrar una buena manera de agregar cuadros de cambio porcentual de precio dentro de un gráfico de velas japonesas personalizado que hice usando la biblioteca MatPlotLibFinance en Python3, estos cuadros de cambio de precio porcentual ayudarán a apreciar visualmente cuánto aumentó o disminuyó el precio desde el precio de apertura de una vela en particular.


La siguiente información se almacena en una variable llamada df, se usará para trazar el gráfico de velas

Index Start Date Open Price High Price Low Price Close Price Volume End Date Abs((CP-OP)/CP)*100 Low SMA 9 Close SMA 25 High SMA 99
12 2022-10-23 12:24:00 27.87 27.88 27.72 27.83 40623.0 2022-10-23 12:26:59.999 0.14 27.89888888888889 28.007600000000004 28.294343434343432
13 2022-10-23 12:27:00 27.83 27.91 27.83 27.91 17337.0 2022-10-23 12:29:59.999 0.29 27.887777777777778 27.997600000000002 28.289898989898994
14 2022-10-23 12:30:00 27.91 27.98 27.91 27.94 8235.0 2022-10-23 12:32:59.999 0.11 27.88222222222222 27.9908 28.286262626262626
15 2022-10-23 12:33:00 27.94 27.94 27.89 27.89 6809.0 2022-10-23 12:35:59.999 0.18 27.87333333333333 27.983599999999996 28.282121212121215
16 2022-10-23 12:36:00 27.89 27.9 27.85 27.88 4209.0 2022-10-23 12:38:59.999 0.04 27.863333333333333 27.973999999999997 28.277373737373736
17 2022-10-23 12:39:00 27.89 27.89 27.86 27.88 10082.0 2022-10-23 12:41:59.999 0.04 27.85666666666667 27.966400000000004 28.272121212121213
18 2022-10-23 12:42:00 27.88 27.89 27.83 27.88 13257.0 2022-10-23 12:44:59.999 0.0 27.846666666666668 27.957600000000003 28.26666666666667
19 2022-10-23 12:45:00 27.88 27.94 27.88 27.94 5462.0 2022-10-23 12:47:59.999 0.22 27.85 27.951999999999998 28.26131313131313
20 2022-10-23 12:48:00 27.93 28.03 27.93 28.03 10597.0 2022-10-23 12:50:59.999 0.36 27.855555555555554 27.9512 28.257070707070707
21 2022-10-23 12:51:00 28.03 28.06 27.98 28.05 10238.0 2022-10-23 12:53:59.999 0.07 27.884444444444444 27.951200000000004 28.253333333333334
22 2022-10-23 12:54:00 28.05 28.05 27.99 28.03 6352.0 2022-10-23 12:56:59.999 0.07 27.90222222222222 27.952800000000003 28.24959595959596
23 2022-10-23 12:57:00 28.02 28.04 28.0 28.04 3905.0 2022-10-23 12:59:59.999 0.07 27.91222222222222 27.9556 28.245656565656564
24 2022-10-23 13:00:00 28.03 28.05 28.02 28.03 4607.0 2022-10-23 13:02:59.999 0.0 27.926666666666666 27.9548 28.24222222222222
25 2022-10-23 13:03:00 28.04 28.04 28.0 28.03 4291.0 2022-10-23 13:05:59.999 0.04 27.94333333333333 27.956 28.23868686868687
26 2022-10-23 13:06:00 28.02 28.02 27.99 28.0 4856.0 2022-10-23 13:08:59.999 0.07 27.95777777777778 27.9568 28.234747474747476
27 2022-10-23 13:09:00 28.01 28.03 28.01 28.02 1343.0 2022-10-23 13:11:59.999 0.04 27.977777777777774 27.9584 28.230505050505048
28 2022-10-23 13:12:00 28.02 28.06 28.01 28.06 5932.0 2022-10-23 13:14:59.999 0.14 27.992222222222225 27.9624 28.226565656565658
29 2022-10-23 13:15:00 28.06 28.1 28.04 28.06 8292.0 2022-10-23 13:17:59.999 0.0 28.004444444444445 27.9656 28.223030303030303

Al ejecutar df.dtypes, se arroja el siguiente resultado:

Start Date             datetime64[ns]
Open Price                    float64
High Price                    float64
Low Price                     float64
Close Price                   float64
Volume                        float64
End Date               datetime64[ns]
Abs((CP-OP)/CP)*100           float64
Low SMA 9                     float64
Close SMA 25                  float64
High SMA 99                   float64
dtype: object

Además, otra variable llamada df_trading_pair_date_time_index contiene la misma información que la variable anterior con ligeras modificaciones, ya que solo se puede usar de esta manera en el siguiente script:

import pandas as pd
import mplfinance as mpf
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.dates as mdates

def set_DateTimeIndex(df_trading_pair):
df_trading_pair = df_trading_pair.set_index('Start Date', inplace=False)
# Rename the column names for best practices
df_trading_pair.rename(columns = { "Open Price" : 'Open',
                                       "High Price" : 'High',
                                       "Low Price" : 'Low',
                                       "Close Price" :'Close',
                              }, inplace = True)
    return df_trading_pair

 # Create another df just to properly plot the data
 df_trading_pair_date_time_index = set_DateTimeIndex(df)


El siguiente script ejecutará una función llamada mpl_plotting que toma como entrada las variables df, df_trading_pair_date_time_index las cuales serán utilizadas para trazar el gráfico de velas japonesas, mientras que el último parámetro de tipo int se utilizará para trazar el cambio de precio cuadros que luego se agregarán al gráfico de velas japonesas:

def mplf_plotting(df_trading_pair, df_trading_pair_date_time_index, entry_candlestick_index):
    entry_price = df_trading_pair['Open Price'].iat[entry_candlestick_index]
    maximum_price_reached = df_trading_pair['High Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].max()
    maximum_price_index = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].idxmax()
    where_values_up = [entry_candlestick_index, maximum_price_index]
    minimum_price_reached = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].min()
    minimum_price_index = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].idxmin()
    where_values_down = [entry_candlestick_index, df_trading_pair['Start Date'][minimum_price_index]]

    # Plotting
    # Create my own `marketcolors` style:
    mc = mpf.make_marketcolors(up='#2fc71e',down='#ed2f1a',inherit=True)
    # Create my own `MatPlotFinance` style:
    s  = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpl_style=['bmh', 'dark_background'],marketcolors=mc, y_on_right=True)    

    # Plot it
    # First create a dictionary to store the plots to add
    subplots = {'Low SMA 9': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['Low SMA 9'], width=1, color='#F0FF42'),
                'Close SMA 25': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['Close SMA 25'], width=1.5, color='#EA047E'),
                'High SMA 99': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['High SMA 99'], width=2, color='#00FFD1')}

    pct_change_boxes ={'Percentage Change Up': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair, fill_between=dict(y1=entry_price,y2=maximum_price_reached,where=where_values_up),alpha=0.5,color='g'),
                       'Percentage Change Down': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair, fill_between=dict(y1=entry_price,y2=minimum_price_reached,where=where_values_down),alpha=0.5,color='g')}
    list_of_plots = list(subplots.values())
    #for i in list(pct_change_boxes.values()):
    trading_plot, axlist = mpf.plot(df_trading_pair_date_time_index,
                        figratio=(10, 6),
                        datetime_format = '%H:%M',
                        ylabel = "Precio ($)",
    # Plotting
    # Add Title
    trading_pair = "SOLBUSD"
    symbol = trading_pair.replace("BUSD","")+"/"+"BUSD"
    axlist[0].set_title(f"{symbol} - 3m", fontsize=25, style='italic', fontfamily='fantasy')

    # Find which times should be shown every 6 minutes starting at the last row of the df
    x_axis_minutes = []
    for i in range (1,len(df_trading_pair_date_time_index),2):

    # Set the main "ticks" to show at the x axis

    # Set the x axis label
    axlist[0].set_xlabel('Zona Horaria UTC')
    # Set the y axis range 
    ymin_value = df_trading_pair[['Low Price','Low SMA 9','Close SMA 25', 'High SMA 99']].min(axis=1).min()
    ymax_value = df_trading_pair[['High Price','Low SMA 9','Close SMA 25', 'High SMA 99']].max(axis=1).max()

    # Set the SMA legends
    # First set the amount of legends to add to the legend box
    # Then Store the legend objects in a variable called "handles", based on this script, your objects to legend will appear from the third element in this list
    handles = axlist[0].get_legend().legendHandles

    # Finally set the corresponding names for the plotted SMA trends and place the legend box to the upper left corner in the bigger plot
    axlist[0].legend(handles=handles[2:],labels=list(subplots.keys()), loc = 'upper left', fontsize = 15)

# Execute the function to plot
mplf_plotting(df, df_trading_pair_date_time_index, 14)

El problema

Después de ejecutar el script anterior, se arroja el siguiente resultado:

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "C:\Users\ResetStoreX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\spyder_kernels\py3compat.py", line 356, in compat_exec
    exec(code, globals, locals)

  File "c:\users\resetstorex\downloads\binance futures data\binance api key + binance wrapper\bollinger bands\timeframe - 30 minutes\binance_futures_busd-backtesting-of-moving-averages.py", line 224, in <module>
    mplf_plotting(df_trading_pair[dict_index[i]:dict_index[i]+20], df_trading_pair_date_time_index, dict_index[i]+2)

  File "c:\users\resetstorex\downloads\binance futures data\binance api key + binance wrapper\bollinger bands\timeframe - 30 minutes\binance_futures_busd-backtesting-of-moving-averages.py", line 136, in mplf_plotting
    trading_plot, axlist = mpf.plot(df_trading_pair_date_time_index,

  File "C:\Users\ResetStoreX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\mplfinance\plotting.py", line 720, in plot
    ax = _addplot_columns(panid,panels,ydata,apdict,xdates,config)

  File "C:\Users\ResetStoreX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\mplfinance\plotting.py", line 1014, in _addplot_columns
    yd = [y for y in ydata if not math.isnan(y)]

  File "C:\Users\ResetStoreX\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\lib\site-packages\mplfinance\plotting.py", line 1014, in <listcomp>
    yd = [y for y in ydata if not math.isnan(y)]

TypeError: must be real number, not Timestamp

output image

Sí decidiera remover las siguientes líneas de mi función:

for i in list(pct_change_boxes.values()):

La siguiente salida se genera:

second output

Salida deseada

Esperaba que mi script imprimiera una imagen como la que se muestra a continuación, esencialmente muestra cuánto aumentó o disminuyó el precio en valores porcentuales según el tercer parámetro pasado a la función mplf_plotting:

desired output

La pregunta

¿Cómo podría arreglar mi función para arrojar una salida como la deseada?

1 respuesta 1


La cosa más cercana que pude lograr fue hacer uso de las funciones originales de MatPlotLib: matplotlib.pyplot.text, matplotlib.axes.Axes.vlines, matplotlib.axes.Axes.hlines además de arreglar unos pequeños errores en la función mplf_plotting para evitar la advertencia SettingWithCopyWarning de Pandas así como otros errores que no recuerdo de momento.

Las siguientes mejoras fueron implementadas:

  1. La función mplf_plotting sólo tomará una copia profunda de la variable df , y la misma df_trading_pair_date_time_index

  2. La primera cosa que esta función hará será reestablecer el índice de la información pasada a la variable temporal df_Trading_pair para luego borrar la anterior columna index.

  3. El valor asignado a la variable entry_candlestick_index ahora será el primer indíce válido de la df_trading_pair más la cantidad necesaria de velas para obtener la ubicación de la vela deseada (dado que antes se estableció como 14, la cantidad a añadir ahora será 2).

  4. Los valores almacenados en las listas where_values_up and where_values_down ahora serán fechas de tipo Timestamp en lugar de sus correspondientes valores índices.

  5. Los valores de cambio porcentual a mostrar en la salida final ahora serán calculados y almacenados en las variables pct_change_up y pct_change_down de manera correspondiente

Nota: La siguiente solución no añade como tal una tabla de cambio porcentual dentro de la gráfica de velas japonesas, pero hey, me funciona de momento ¯\(ツ)/¯.

Script Alternativo

from datetime import timedelta

def mplf_plotting(df_trading_pair, df_trading_pair_date_time_index):
    # Reset the index
    df_trading_pair.drop('index', inplace=True, axis=1)
    entry_candlestick_index = df_trading_pair.first_valid_index()+2
    entry_price = df_trading_pair['Open Price'].iat[entry_candlestick_index]
    maximum_price_reached = df_trading_pair['High Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].max()
    maximum_price_index = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].idxmax()
    where_values_up = [df_trading_pair['Start Date'].iat[entry_candlestick_index], df_trading_pair['Start Date'].iat[maximum_price_index]]
    pct_change_up = round((maximum_price_reached-entry_price)/entry_price*100,2)
    minimum_price_reached = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].min()
    minimum_price_index = df_trading_pair['Low Price'][entry_candlestick_index+1:].idxmin()
    where_values_down = [df_trading_pair['Start Date'].iat[entry_candlestick_index], df_trading_pair['Start Date'][minimum_price_index]]
    pct_change_down = round((minimum_price_reached-entry_price)/entry_price*100,2)

    # Plotting
    # Create my own `marketcolors` style:
    mc = mpf.make_marketcolors(up='#2fc71e',down='#ed2f1a',inherit=True)
    # Create my own `MatPlotFinance` style:
    s  = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpl_style=['bmh', 'dark_background'],marketcolors=mc, y_on_right=True)    

    # Plot it
    # First create a dictionary to store the plots to add
    subplots = {'Low SMA 9': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['Low SMA 9'], width=1, color='#F0FF42'),
                'Close SMA 25': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['Close SMA 25'], width=1.5, color='#EA047E'),
                'High SMA 99': mpf.make_addplot(df_trading_pair['High SMA 99'], width=2, color='#00FFD1')}
    list_of_plots = list(subplots.values())
    trading_plot, axlist = mpf.plot(df_trading_pair_date_time_index,
                        figratio=(10, 6),
                        datetime_format = '%H:%M',
                        ylabel = "Precio ($)",
    # Add Title
    symbol = trading_pair.replace("BUSD","")+"/"+"BUSD"
    axlist[0].set_title(f"{symbol} - 3m", fontsize=25, style='italic', fontfamily='fantasy')

    # Find which times should be shown every 6 minutes starting at the last row of the df
    x_axis_minutes = []
    for i in range (1,len(df_trading_pair_date_time_index),2):
    # Plot and label the Maximum Positive ROI
    axlist[0].hlines(maximum_price_reached, xmin=where_values_up[0], xmax=where_values_up[1],
                     color="#06FF44", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.7)
    axlist[0].vlines(where_values_up[0], ymin=entry_price, ymax=maximum_price_reached,
                     color="#06FF44", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.7)
    axlist[0].text(x=where_values_up[0]+timedelta(minutes=1), y=maximum_price_reached-0.009, s=f"ROI: +{pct_change_up}%", 
                   ha="left", va="top", fontsize="14", color="#06FF44", backgroundcolor='#000000')
    # Plot and label the Maximum Negative ROI
    axlist[0].hlines(minimum_price_reached, xmin=where_values_down[0], xmax=where_values_down[1],
                     color="#F51912", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.7)
    axlist[0].vlines(where_values_down[0], ymin=entry_price, ymax=minimum_price_reached,
                     color="#F51912", linestyle="solid", linewidth=1.5, alpha=0.7)
    axlist[0].text(x=where_values_up[0]+timedelta(minutes=1), y=minimum_price_reached+0.009, s=f"ROI: {pct_change_down}%", 
                   ha="left", va="bottom", fontsize="14", color="#F51912", backgroundcolor='#000000') 
    # Set the main "ticks" to show at the x axis

    # Set the x axis label
    axlist[0].set_xlabel('Zona Horaria UTC')
    # Set the y axis range 
    ymin_value = df_trading_pair[['Low Price','Low SMA 9','Close SMA 25', 'High SMA 99']].min(axis=1).min()
    ymax_value = df_trading_pair[['High Price','Low SMA 9','Close SMA 25', 'High SMA 99']].max(axis=1).max()

    # Set the SMA legends
    # First set the amount of legends to add to the legend box
    # Then Store the legend objects in a variable called "handles", based on this script, your objects to legend will appear from the third element in this list
    handles = axlist[0].get_legend().legendHandles

    # Finally set the corresponding names for the plotted SMA trends and place the legend box to the upper left corner in the bigger plot
    axlist[0].legend(handles=handles[2:],labels=list(subplots.keys()), loc = 'upper left', fontsize = 15)

# Execute the function to plot
mplf_plotting(df.copy(deep=True), df_trading_pair_date_time_index)



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