Parece compilar bien, pero al dar clic en "Reorganizar" arroja el siguiente error (estoy siguiendo el pdf "GeneXus17CoreCourse_PracticalExcercises_sp"):
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\MSBuild.exe" /nologo /p:Configuration=Release /p:FrameworkPath="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319" /v:q /m "C:\KB\Parks\Parks\CSharpModel\build\LastBuild.sln" "C:\KB\Parks\Parks\CSharpModel\web\bin\reor.exe" -nogui The last reorganization has failed and you are trying to execute a different reorganization Unexpected errors may occur if you don't try to finalize previous reorganization before running this one If you want to run this reorganization anyway, use '-ignoreresume' parameter in the Reorganization Options property of the generator The reorganization process was not successfully completed. Failed: Reorganization error: Error in reorganization Failed: Run Developer Menu
Lo ultimo que agregué fueron las siguientes reglas:
error("Debe ingresar el Nombre")
if EmployeeName.IsEmpty();
error("Debe ingresar el Apellido")
if EmployeeLastName.IsEmpty();
msg("Está dejando vacío el numero de celular")
if EmployeePhone.IsEmpty();
default(EMPLOYEEAddedDate, today());