Sabemos que en C++ podemos pasar una variable a una función por referencia, y editarla desde el cuerpo de la función. Ahora bien esto me pasó en Python con dos funciones parecidas en el valor que retornan, solo que una edita la variable original y la otra no:
import random
def mix(i):
# mix a list ( i = original list)
a = [] # indexes already copied
m = [] # copied elements
c = 0 # a counter
r = 0 # just a random number
while c < len(i): # access all elements
r = random.randint(0, len(i) - 1) # generate the first random number
while r in a: # check if the generated number was already used
r = random.randint(0, len(i) - 1) # generate another one
m.append(i[r]) # add the element with the random index to the mixed list
a.append(r) # add the random number to the used indexes
c += 1
return m
def sort(i):
# sort a list in ascending order (i = original list)
c = 0 # a counter
while c < len(i) - 1: # access all elements
# check if the element is in the right position
if c == 0: # if we are checking the first element
if i[c] < i[c + 1]:
c += 1
elif c > 0 and c < len(i) - 1: # if we are checking an intermediate element
if i[c] < i[c + 1] and i[c] > i[c - 1]:
c += 1
elif c == len(i) - 1: # if we are checking the last element
if i[c] > i[c - 1]:
c += 1
# if it is not in the right position, the execution will pass to here
if c == 0: # if we are moving the first element
i[c] += i[c + 1]
i[c + 1] = i[c] - i[c + 1]
i[c] -= i[c + 1]
c = 0 # start again
elif c > 0 and c < len(i) - 1: # if we are moving an intermediate element
if i[c] > i[c + 1]: # if it has to be moved to right
i[c] += i[c + 1]
i[c + 1] = i[c] - i[c + 1]
i[c] -= i[c + 1]
if i[c] < i[c - 1]: # if it has to be moved to left
i[c] += i[c - 1]
i[c - 1] = i[c] - i[c - 1]
i[c] -= i[c - 1]
c = 0 # start again
elif c == len(i) - 1: # if we are moving the last element
i[c] += i[c - 1]
i[c - 1] = i[c] - i[c - 1]
i[c] -= i[c - 1]
c = 0 # start again
return i
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
b = [6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 7, 9, 8, 3, 0]
print("a = ", a)
print("b = ", b)
print("a = ", a)
print("b = ", b)
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
b = [6, 5, 4, 1, 2, 7, 9, 8, 3, 0]
a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
b = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]
La salida del código muestra que al usar la función mix sobre la variable a, esta no es editada, pero al usar la función sort sobre la variable b, la lista original sí cambia... ¿Porqué? También si reasigno i por m al final de la función mix, la variable original cambiará. ¿Significa que en Python se pueden reasignar variables desde una función?