La siguiente tabla muestra el resultado que obtengo de un query:
SELECT pm.post_id, pm.meta_value
FROM posts p
LEFT JOIN terms t ON p.post_title =
LEFT JOIN term_relationships tr ON t.term_id = tr.term_taxonomy_id
LEFT JOIN postmeta pm ON tr.object_id = pm.post_id
WHERE p.post_status = 'publish' AND p.post_type = 'lrooms' AND p.post_author = '1' AND pm.meta_key IN ('_appointment_timestamp', '_appointment_timeslot', '_appointment_guest_name', '_appointment_guest_surname', '_appointment_guest_email')
ORDER BY pm.meta_id DESC
post_id | meta_value |
9247 | 1730-1800 |
9247 | 1609608600 |
9247 | [email protected] |
9247 | Correa |
9247 | Jose Dario |
9245 | 1130-1200 |
9245 | 1609414200 |
9245 | [email protected] |
9245 | Pinedo |
9245 | Andres |
Quisiera agrupar/concatenar los valores de la columna meta_value de la siguiente manera:
post_id | meta_value |
9247 | 1730-1800;1609608600;[email protected];Correa;Jose Dario |
9245 | 1130-1200;1609414200;[email protected];Pinedo;Andres |
¿Como puedo hacer esto posible?