He estado intentando hacer un treemap de dos niveles en hctreemap2 y encontré un ejemplo en este enlace https://rpubs.com/jbkunst/hctreemap2
hctreemap2 (data = GNI2014,
group_vars = c ("continente", "iso3"),
size_var = "población",
color_var = "GNI",
layoutAlgorithm = "squarified",
levelIsConstant = FALSE,
niveles = lista (
list (nivel = 1, dataLabels = list (enabled = TRUE)),
list (nivel = 2, dataLabels = list (enabled = FALSE)),
list (nivel = 3, dataLabels = list (habilitado = FALSE))
hc_colorAxis (minColor = brewer.pal (7, "Verdes") [1],
maxColor = brewer.pal (7, "Verdes") [7])%>%
hc_tooltip (pointFormat = "<b> {point.name} </b>: <br>
Pop: {point.value:,. 0f} <br>
GNI: {point.colorValue:,. 0f} ")
Pero cuando intento ejecutarlo aparece un mensaje de error "Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column iso3
doesn't exist". Pero la columna sí existe en el dataframe. Lo mismo ocurre con mis datos, simplemente reemplazo los datos del código con los nombres de mis datos y aparece el mismo error: "Error: Can't subset columns that don't exist. x Column objeto_contratar
doesn't exist" . Pero la columna objeto_contratar
sí existe. No sé si para este tipo de gráficos los datos deben tener un formato específico o si estoy pasando algo por alto.
Cuando corro traceback()
esto es lo que me muestra:
> traceback()
31: stop(fallback)
30: signal_abort(cnd)
29: abort(bullets, class = "dplyr_error", error_name = error_name,
error_expression = error_expression, index = .index, dots = dots,
fn = fn, parent = parent)
28: stop_dplyr(i, dots, fn = "summarise", problem = conditionMessage(e),
parent = e)
27: value[[3L]](cond)
26: tryCatchOne(expr, names, parentenv, handlers[[1L]])
25: tryCatchList(expr, classes, parentenv, handlers)
24: tryCatch({
for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
quo <- dots[[i]]
chunks[[i]] <- mask$eval_all_summarise(quo)
result_type <- types[[i]] <- tryCatch(vec_ptype_common(!!!chunks[[i]]),
vctrs_error_incompatible_type = function(cnd) {
abort(class = "dplyr:::error_summarise_incompatible_combine",
parent = cnd)
if ((is.null(dots_names) || dots_names[i] == "") && is.data.frame(result_type)) {
map2(seq_along(result_type), names(result_type),
function(j, nm) {
mask$add(nm, pluck(chunks[[i]], j))
else {
mask$add(auto_named_dots[i], chunks[[i]])
recycle_info <- .Call(dplyr_summarise_recycle_chunks, chunks,
mask$get_rows(), types)
chunks <- recycle_info$chunks
sizes <- recycle_info$sizes
for (i in seq_along(dots)) {
result <- vec_c(!!!chunks[[i]], .ptype = types[[i]])
if ((is.null(dots_names) || dots_names[i] == "") && is.data.frame(result)) {
cols[names(result)] <- result
else {
cols[[auto_named_dots[i]]] <- result
}, error = function(e) {
if (inherits(e, "rlang_error_data_pronoun_not_found")) {
index = i, dots = dots, fn = "summarise")
else if (inherits(e, "dplyr:::error_summarise_incompatible_combine")) {
stop_combine(e$parent, index = i, dots = dots, fn = "summarise")
else if (inherits(e, "dplyr:::summarise_unsupported_type")) {
stop_summarise_unsupported_type(result = e$result, index = i,
dots = dots)
else if (inherits(e, "dplyr:::summarise_incompatible_size")) {
stop_summarise_incompatible_size(size = e$size, group = e$group,
index = e$index, expected_size = e$expected_size,
dots = dots)
else {
stop_dplyr(i, dots, fn = "summarise", problem = conditionMessage(e),
parent = e)
23: summarise_cols(.data, ...)
22: summarise.grouped_df(., value = sum(!!size_sym), colorValue = sum(!!color_sym))
21: summarise(., value = sum(!!size_sym), colorValue = sum(!!color_sym))
20: function_list[[i]](value)
19: freduce(value, `_function_list`)
18: `_fseq`(`_lhs`)
17: eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
16: eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
15: withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
14: data %>% group_by(!!!group_syms[1:depth]) %>% summarise(value = sum(!!size_sym),
colorValue = sum(!!color_sym)) %>% ungroup() %>% mutate(name = !!group_syms[[depth]],
level = depth) %>% mutate_at(group_vars, as.character()) %>%
if (depth == 1)
mutate(., id = paste0(name, 1))
else {
mutate(., parent = pmap_chr(list(!!!group_syms[1:depth -
1]), name_cell, depth = depth - 1), id = paste0(parent,
name, depth))
13: .f(.x[[i]], ...)
12: map(., data_at_depth)
11: function_list[[i]](value)
10: freduce(value, `_function_list`)
9: `_fseq`(`_lhs`)
8: eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
7: eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env)
6: withVisible(eval(quote(`_fseq`(`_lhs`)), env, env))
5: 1:length(group_vars) %>% map(data_at_depth) %>% bind_rows()
4: hctreemap2(data = Objeto, group_vars = c("nombre_grupo", "objeto_contratar"),
size_var = "total", color_var = "propcant", layoutAlgorithm = "squarified",
levelIsConstant = FALSE, levels = list(list(level = 1, dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)),
list(level = 2, dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE)),
list(level = 3, dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE))))
3: eval(lhs, parent, parent)
2: eval(lhs, parent, parent)
1: hctreemap2(data = Objeto, group_vars = c("nombre_grupo", "objeto_contratar"),
size_var = "total", color_var = "propcant", layoutAlgorithm = "squarified",
levelIsConstant = FALSE, levels = list(list(level = 1, dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE)),
list(level = 2, dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE)),
list(level = 3, dataLabels = list(enabled = FALSE)))) %>%
hc_colorAxis(minColor = brewer.pal(7, "Greens")[1], maxColor = brewer.pal(7,
"Greens")[7]) %>% hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "<b>{point.name}</b>:<br>\n Cantidad: {point.value:,.0f}<br>\n Propoción: {point.colorValue:,.0f}")
después de obtener error en tu código de ejemplo? Pareciera que el error se generara en el uso interno quehctreemap2()
hace de funciones dedplyr
. Otra cosa, en tu código de ejemplo hay espacios antes de llamar a los argumentos de las funciones, no sé si lo tienes así en tu script también.traceback()
, la verdad no entiendo mucho de eso, estoy empezando en R. Gracias de antemano.