Tengo una dataframe con una columna Questions
y una otra QTypes
. Me gustaria que cada linea que encontramos ['']
(es decir [ Apóstrofo Apóstrofo]
) en Questions
puestamos Sections
en QTypes.
QID Questions Answers QType
0 H1 When do you think your next vacation can start? ['In next 3 months', 'In next 6 months', 'In next 1 year', 'Only once COVID-19 is under control', 'Only once COVID-19 vaccine is developed'] Multiple Choice
1 H2 What are your preferences regarding medical treatment policy (with additional cost)? ["Doctor's availability in hotel", 'Ventilator availability in hotel', 'Tie-ups with nearby hospitals', 'Availability of medical rooms with primary first aid care'] Multiple Choice
2 H3 What is your preferences of complementary breakfast? ['Buffet breakfast with social distancing', 'Buffet breakfast replaced with Ala-carte with limited options', 'Breakfast to be delivered in room with limited options (chargeable)', 'Packaged breakfast only'] Multiple Choice
3 H4 What is your preference for a in-hotel grocery shops for the basic necessity items and packaged food? ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', '10'] Likert Scale
4 H5 Consumer Personality [''] Multiple Choice
5 H6 What is your preference of hotel check-in? ['Collect keys at the counter maintaining social distancing', 'Collect keys at the KIOSK using booking bar-code', 'Online Keys using the mobile App'] Multiple Choice
6 H7 What is your preference of payment during Check-out? ['Pay at the counter maintaining social distancing', 'Pay at KIOSK', 'Online payment using the mobile App'] Multiple Choice
7 H8 What is your preference of hotel cancellation / travel date change policy? ['Travel date change is preferred at no cost', 'Cancellation at some minimal cost (based on hotel policy)', 'Cancellation with some amount refund and hotel coupons for next visit'] Multiple Choice
8 H9 What is your preference of the guest policy? ['Guests are allowed in living room with precautions', 'Guest are allowed only in certain designated areas', 'No guests are allowed inside hotel'] Multiple Choice
9 H10 What is your preference of the concierge service? ['Regular concierge services', 'Online concierge service'] Multiple Choice
10 H11 Consumer Intentions [''] Multiple Choice
def get_sections(l):
print("l: ", l, "== ['']", l == [''])
if l == ['']:
return "Section"
df = df.head()
df.QType = df.apply(lambda row: get_sections(row['Answers']), axis = 1)
Pero me devuelve None:
1 None
2 None
3 None
4 None
5 None
Name: QType, dtype: object
Tambien intenté:
import numpy as np
s=df.Answers.apply(lambda x : ['']==x)
df['QType']=np.where(s, 'Section', '')
Pero obtengo None
en cada celdas.
Y la respuesta de Lucas Damian:
def get_sections(item):
for i in item:
if i == '':
return "Section"
except Exception as e:
df.apply(lambda row: get_sections(row['Answers']), axis = 1)
Pero no cambia nada.