hola a todos me gustaria saber como puedo crear una archivo de descarga con una carpeta a base de solo javascript por ejemplo:


hay una manera de hacerlo o no se puede

  • mira este Enlace
    – 404
    Commented el 24 feb. 2020 a las 19:32
  • @Charls hola gracias por responder pero no es lo que busco, quiero crear un archivo de descarga que no exista en mi carpeta
    – rocky
    Commented el 24 feb. 2020 a las 19:39
  • 1
    Hola estimado(a), a tu pregunta le faltan muchos detalles, por ejemplo el código que haz probado, el resultado esperado, de donde sacas la información para crear el archivo, entre otros. Por favor lee cómo preguntar
    – harifo
    Commented el 24 feb. 2020 a las 19:44

1 respuesta 1


Puedes generar el archivo dinamicamente, la parte del script fileSaver lo puedes agregar como referencia, yo lo pegue directamente porque me marcaba un error de importacion.

* FileSaver.js
* A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
* By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
* License : https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md (MIT)
* source  : http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js

// The one and only way of getting global scope in all environments
// https://stackoverflow.com/q/3277182/1008999
var _global = typeof window === 'object' && window.window === window
  ? window : typeof self === 'object' && self.self === self
  ? self : typeof global === 'object' && global.global === global
  ? global
  : this

function bom (blob, opts) {
  if (typeof opts === 'undefined') opts = { autoBom: false }
  else if (typeof opts !== 'object') {
    console.warn('Deprecated: Expected third argument to be a object')
    opts = { autoBom: !opts }

  // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML)
  // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF
  if (opts.autoBom && /^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(blob.type)) {
    return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xFEFF), blob], { type: blob.type })
  return blob

function download (url, name, opts) {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
  xhr.open('GET', url)
  xhr.responseType = 'blob'
  xhr.onload = function () {
    saveAs(xhr.response, name, opts)
  xhr.onerror = function () {
    console.error('could not download file')

function corsEnabled (url) {
  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest()
  // use sync to avoid popup blocker
  xhr.open('HEAD', url, false)
  try {
  } catch (e) {}
  return xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status <= 299

// `a.click()` doesn't work for all browsers (#465)
function click (node) {
  try {
    node.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click'))
  } catch (e) {
    var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents')
    evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, 0, 0, 80,
                          20, false, false, false, false, 0, null)

// Detect WebKit inside a native macOS app
var isWebKit = /AppleWebKit/.test(navigator.userAgent)

var saveAs = _global.saveAs || (
  // probably in some web worker
  (typeof window !== 'object' || window !== _global)
    ? function saveAs () { /* noop */ }

  // Use download attribute first if possible (#193 Lumia mobile) unless this is a native macOS app
  : ('download' in HTMLAnchorElement.prototype && !isWebKit)
  ? function saveAs (blob, name, opts) {
    var URL = _global.URL || _global.webkitURL
    var a = document.createElement('a')
    name = name || blob.name || 'download'

    a.download = name
    a.rel = 'noopener' // tabnabbing

    // TODO: detect chrome extensions & packaged apps
    // a.target = '_blank'

    if (typeof blob === 'string') {
      // Support regular links
      a.href = blob
      if (a.origin !== location.origin) {
          ? download(blob, name, opts)
          : click(a, a.target = '_blank')
      } else {
    } else {
      // Support blobs
      a.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
      setTimeout(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(a.href) }, 4E4) // 40s
      setTimeout(function () { click(a) }, 0)

  // Use msSaveOrOpenBlob as a second approach
  : 'msSaveOrOpenBlob' in navigator
  ? function saveAs (blob, name, opts) {
    name = name || blob.name || 'download'

    if (typeof blob === 'string') {
      if (corsEnabled(blob)) {
        download(blob, name, opts)
      } else {
        var a = document.createElement('a')
        a.href = blob
        a.target = '_blank'
        setTimeout(function () { click(a) })
    } else {
      navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(bom(blob, opts), name)

  // Fallback to using FileReader and a popup
  : function saveAs (blob, name, opts, popup) {
    // Open a popup immediately do go around popup blocker
    // Mostly only available on user interaction and the fileReader is async so...
    popup = popup || open('', '_blank')
    if (popup) {
      popup.document.title =
      popup.document.body.innerText = 'downloading...'

    if (typeof blob === 'string') return download(blob, name, opts)

    var force = blob.type === 'application/octet-stream'
    var isSafari = /constructor/i.test(_global.HTMLElement) || _global.safari
    var isChromeIOS = /CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent)

    if ((isChromeIOS || (force && isSafari) || isWebKit) && typeof FileReader !== 'undefined') {
      // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob URLs
      var reader = new FileReader()
      reader.onloadend = function () {
        var url = reader.result
        url = isChromeIOS ? url : url.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, 'data:attachment/file;')
        if (popup) popup.location.href = url
        else location = url
        popup = null // reverse-tabnabbing #460
    } else {
      var URL = _global.URL || _global.webkitURL
      var url = URL.createObjectURL(blob)
      if (popup) popup.location = url
      else location.href = url
      popup = null // reverse-tabnabbing #460
      setTimeout(function () { URL.revokeObjectURL(url) }, 4E4) // 40s

_global.saveAs = saveAs.saveAs = saveAs

if (typeof module !== 'undefined') {
  module.exports = saveAs;
<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <title>Archivo txt desde cliente </title>


		function saveDynamicDataToFile() {

            var userInput = document.getElementById("myText").value;
            var blob = new Blob([userInput], { type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8" });
            saveAs(blob, "dynamic.txt");


    <textarea id="myText" rows="4" cols="50">
Texto de prueba.

    <button type="button" onclick="saveDynamicDataToFile();">   Descargar archivo</button>

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