Tengo este código:
var result = new Dictionary<string, StrainGroupings>();
var t = Connection.Table<StrainGroupings>()
.Where(sg => sg.Locale == locale)
strainGrouping => strainGrouping.StrainGroupName,
operationStrainGroup => operationStrainGroup.StrainGroupName,
(strainGrouping, operationStrainGroup) => new { Name = operationStrainGroup.OperationName, sg = strainGrouping });
Lo que quiero hacer es que Tkey que es string sea Name, y TValue sea sg,
Esto es lo que he intentado:
t.Select(r => result.Add(r.Name, r.sg));
pero no me funciona:
The arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage. Try specifying the type arguments explicitly