Estoy haciendo una consulta que cuenta la cantidad de tickets [count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)] que existen por tópicos [ost_help_topic.topic_id]. Estos tópicos los tuve que agrupar (que fue un requerimiento) y, además, tengo que sumar la cantidad de tickets por cada grupo de tópicos.

Los tópicos ya los tengo agrupados y a cada grupo también le asigne un id [topic_id_alias].

Lo que no he podido lograr es sumar la cantidad de tickets de los grupos correspondientes.

Por Ejemplo:

WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN "Agenda Médica(Caso - V.2)" .

ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 tiene su propia cantidad de tickets [count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)] y ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 también, pero como ahora están agrupados necesito sumar el count de ese grupo y así con el resto de los grupos.

En la imagen se muestra los valores de ahora pero necesito arreglar la consulta de tal forma de poder sumar 0 + 12 (por ejemplo).

introducir la descripción de la imagen aquí


                                count(ost_ticket.ticket_id) as cuenta,ost_help_topic.topic_id ,
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN "Agenda Médica(Caso - V.2)"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN "Stock y Recetas"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN "Administrativos"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN "RCE - RCO"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN "Tele"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN "Urgencia"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN "Reportería y DataWH"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN "Manager"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN "Interconsulta"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN "Archivos (Fichas)"
                                AS topic,
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN 1
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN 2
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN 3
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN 4
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN 5
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN 6
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN 7
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN 8
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN 9
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN 10
                                END as topic_id_alias

                                right OUTER JOIN ost_help_topic ON ost_ticket.topic_id = ost_help_topic.topic_id 
                                AND ost_help_topic.dept_id = 10 AND ost_ticket.status_id = 1                                                    
                                GROUP BY
                                ORDER BY
                                topic asc
  • Leí tu descripción un par de veces y no comprendo lo que quieres lograr. Sugiero que incluyas un ejemplo de los datos de entrada y la salida que esperas obtener con esos datos. Un saludo.
    – jachguate
    Commented el 31 may. 2019 a las 17:05
  • Hola ! edite la descripción espero este mas claro y me puedan echar una mano . Saludos Commented el 31 may. 2019 a las 18:47

2 respuestas 2


Te sugiero hacer un select from select1

La idea general es que puedes utilizar el resultado de un select como si fuese una tabla en tu cláusula from para realizar operaciones adicionales.

Por ejemplo, en tu caso, podría ser algo como esto:

select q1.topic_id_alias, min(q1.topic) topic, sum(q1.cuenta) cuenta_total
  from (SELECT DISTINCT count(ost_ticket.ticket_id) as cuenta, ost_help_topic.topic_id ,
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN "Agenda Médica(Caso - V.2)"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN "Stock y Recetas"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN "Administrativos"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN "RCE - RCO"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN "Tele"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN "Urgencia"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN "Reportería y DataWH"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN "Manager"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN "Interconsulta"
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN "Archivos (Fichas)"
                                AS topic,
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN 1
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN 2
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN 3
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN 4
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN 5
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN 6
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN 7
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN 8
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN 9
                                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN 10
                                END as topic_id_alias

                                right OUTER JOIN ost_help_topic ON ost_ticket.topic_id = ost_help_topic.topic_id 
                                AND ost_help_topic.dept_id = 10 AND ost_ticket.status_id = 1                                                    
                                GROUP BY
          ) as q1
  group by q1.topic_id_alias
  ORDER BY min(topic) asc

El select dentro del from es básicamente la consulta de tu pregunta, sin la cláusula order by (que no está soportada en la tabla al vuelo), y que he trasladado hacia el final.

Si utilizas MySQL 8.0 o superior, entonces puedes utilizar un CTE, que en mi opinión es más legible y más fácil de mantener:

q1 as (
SELECT DISTINCT count(ost_ticket.ticket_id) as cuenta, ost_help_topic.topic_id ,
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN "Agenda Médica(Caso - V.2)"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN "Stock y Recetas"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN "Administrativos"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN "RCE - RCO"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN "Tele"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN "Urgencia"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN "Reportería y DataWH"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN "Manager"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN "Interconsulta"
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN "Archivos (Fichas)"
        AS topic,
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN 1
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN 2
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN 3
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN 4
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN 5
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN 6
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN 7
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN 8
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN 9
            WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN 10
        END as topic_id_alias

        right OUTER JOIN ost_help_topic ON ost_ticket.topic_id = ost_help_topic.topic_id 
        AND ost_help_topic.dept_id = 10 AND ost_ticket.status_id = 1                                                    
        GROUP BY
select q1.topic_id_alias, min(q1.topic) topic, sum(q1.cuenta) cuenta_total
  from q1
  group by q1.topic_id_alias
  ORDER BY min(topic) asc

Nuevamente, el query al interior del CTE es el mismo de tu pregunta, sin la cláusula order by.

1: Mi solución natural sería utilizar un CTE, pero MySQL los soporta solo a partir de la versión 8 y no estoy seguro de qué versión es la que utilizas.

  • Muchas Gracias por la ayuda , efectivamente la solución era anidar un select y hacer el order by correspondiente . Muchas gracias !! Commented el 31 may. 2019 a las 20:04
  • @JorgeObreque Te sugiero entonces que le pongas su respectiva palomita a la respuesta de jachguate
    – Alvaro C.
    Commented el 31 may. 2019 a las 22:27
  • 1
    @AlvaroC. listo amigo :D Commented el 1 jun. 2019 a las 1:41

Logre Solucionarlo , lo dejaré aquí quizás a alguien le sirva mas adelante

    SELECT sum(cantidad) total,topic_id_f,
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN "Agenda Médica(Caso - V.2)"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN "Stock y Recetas"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN "Administrativos"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN "RCE - RCO"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN "Tele"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN "Urgencia"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN "Reportería y DataWH"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN "Manager"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN "Interconsulta"
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN "Archivos (Fichas)"
AS topic,
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN 1
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN 2
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN 3
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN 4
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN 5
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN 6
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN 7
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN 8
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN 9
        WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN 10
END as topic_id_alias 

                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 24 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 25 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 35 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 29 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 20 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 85 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 83 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 71 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 79 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 63 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 33 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 30 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 72 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 28 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 21 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 75 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 27 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)
                    WHEN ost_help_topic.topic_id = 34 || ost_help_topic.topic_id = 46 THEN Count(ost_ticket.ticket_id)

                as cantidad,
                ost_help_topic.topic_id as topic_id_f
                right OUTER JOIN ost_help_topic ON ost_ticket.topic_id = ost_help_topic.topic_id 
                AND ost_help_topic.dept_id = 10 AND ost_ticket.status_id = 1
                GROUP BY
                ORDER BY
                ost_help_topic.topic asc) as A 
                INNER JOIN ost_help_topic ON A.topic_id_f = ost_help_topic.topic_id
                GROUP BY topic
                ORDER BY topic_id_alias

introducir la descripción de la imagen aquí

  • Por favor añade una explicación de lo que hiciste para solucionar tu código
    – user128299
    Commented el 31 may. 2019 a las 19:56

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