Realice la compilacion de Phalcon con ayuda de Zephir en un Rasberry pi
Crée un archivo en la carpeta /etc/php/7.0/mods-available/
El cual nombré phalcon.ini donde agregue la linea extension=phalcon.so posteriormente cree los links simbolicos en las carpetas:


Que apuntan al archivo creado en la carpeta mods-available reinicio el servidor apache y phpinfo me muestra que phalcon esta instalado

Author  Phalcon Team and contributors
Version 3.4.1
Build Date  Nov 7 2018 15:31:40
Powered by Zephir   Version 0.11.2-f1d9feca7b

Cuando lanzo el comando php-v obtengo una lista larga de errores que se parecen a los siguientes

PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Forms\Element::getAttribute(string $attribute, $defaultValue = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Forms\ElementInterface::getAttribute($attribute, $defaultValue = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData::readMetaDataIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, int $index) must be compatible with Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaDataInterface::readMetaDataIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, $index) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData::writeMetaDataIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, int $index, $data) must be compatible with Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaDataInterface::writeMetaDataIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, $index, $data) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaData::readColumnMapIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, int $index) must be compatible with Phalcon\Mvc\Model\MetaDataInterface::readColumnMapIndex(Phalcon\Mvc\ModelInterface $model, $index) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter::getMethods(string $className): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Annotations\AdapterInterface::getMethods($className) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter::getMethod(string $className, string $methodName) must be compatible with Phalcon\Annotations\AdapterInterface::getMethod($className, $methodName) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter::getProperties(string $className): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Annotations\AdapterInterface::getProperties($className) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Annotations\Adapter::getProperty(string $className, string $propertyName) must be compatible with Phalcon\Annotations\AdapterInterface::getProperty($className, $propertyName) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Di::offsetExists(string $name): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Di::offsetGet(string $name): null must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetGet($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Di::offsetSet(string $name, $definition): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetSet($offset, $value) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Di::offsetUnset(string $name): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset::seek(int $position) must be compatible with SeekableIterator::seek($position) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset::offsetExists(int $index): bool must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetExists($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset::offsetGet(int $index) must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetGet($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Mvc\Model\Resultset::offsetUnset(int $offset) must be compatible with ArrayAccess::offsetUnset($offset) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Acl\Adapter::getActiveRole(): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::getActiveRole(): string in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Acl\Adapter::getActiveResource(): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::getActiveResource(): string in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Acl\Adapter::getActiveAccess(): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::getActiveAccess(): string in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Acl\Adapter\Memory::isAllowed($roleName, $resourceName, string $access, array $parameters = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Acl\AdapterInterface::isAllowed($roleName, $resourceName, $access, array $parameters = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Apc::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Apc::delete(string $keyName): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::delete($keyName) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Apc::queryKeys(string $prefix = NULL): null must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::queryKeys($prefix = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\File::exists($keyName = NULL, int $lifetime = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::exists($keyName = NULL, $lifetime = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Libmemcached::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Memcache::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Memory::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Mongo::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Redis::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend::stop(bool $stopBuffer = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::stop($stopBuffer = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Cache\Backend\Xcache::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, bool $stopBuffer = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Cache\BackendInterface::save($keyName = NULL, $content = NULL, $lifetime = NULL, $stopBuffer = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Crypt::encry``pt(string $text, string $key = NULL): string must be compatible with Phalcon\CryptInterface::encrypt(string $text, $key = NULL): string in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Crypt::decrypt(string $text, $key = NULL): string must be compatible with Phalcon\CryptInterface::decrypt(string $text, string $key = NULL): string in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::limit(string $sqlQuery, int $number): string must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::limit($sqlQuery, $number) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, $schemaName = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, string $schemaName = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, $indexName): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, string $indexName): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Mysql::describeIndexes(string $table, $schema = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::describeIndexes(string $table, string $schema = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::limit(string $sqlQuery, int $number): string must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::limit($sqlQuery, $number) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, $schemaName = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, string $schemaName = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, $indexName): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, string $indexName): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::describeIndexes(string $table, $schema = NULL) must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::describeIndexes(string $table, string $schema = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite::describeIndexes($table, $schema = NULL) should be compatible with Phalcon\Db\Adapter::describeIndexes(string $table, $schema = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Warning: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter\Pdo\Sqlite::describeReferences($table, $schema = NULL) should be compatible with Phalcon\Db\Adapter::describeReferences(string $table, string $schema = NULL) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::limit(string $sqlQuery, int $number): string must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::limit($sqlQuery, $number) in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, $schemaName = NULL): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::createView(string $viewName, array $definition, string $schemaName = NULL): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Db\Adapter::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, $indexName): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Db\AdapterInterface::dropIndex(string $tableName, string $schemaName, string $indexName): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP Fatal error: Declaration of Phalcon\Validation\Validator\Uniqueness::validate(Phalcon\Validation $validation, $field): bool must be compatible with Phalcon\Validation\Validator::validate(Phalcon\Validation $validation, string $attribute): bool in Unknown on line 0 PHP 7.0.30-0+deb9u1 (cli) (built: Jun 14 2018 13:50:25) ( NTS ) Copyright (c) 1997-2017 The PHP Group Zend Engine v3.0.0, Copyright (c) 1998-2017 Zend Technologies with Zend OPcache v7.0.30-0+deb9u1, Copyright (c) 1999-2017, by Zend Technologies

Alguien aue me pueda decir que esta pasando?

1 respuesta 1


Este tipo de error se había reportado en el repositorio de Phalcon Github a lo cual un miembro del proyecto comentó:

Please use Zephir 0.10.x to compile Phalcon 3.4.x

En su caso, Phalcon fue compilado con la versión de Zephir 0.11.2 cuando debió ser con la version 0.10.x

Personalmente utilizo el repositorio oficial de Phalcon para la instalación a menos que tenga una necesidad muy especifica, para esto hago la instalación de la siguiente forma (Ubuntu/Debian)

$ sudo apt install -y curl gettext gd2 libpcre3-dev json mbstring pdo_* fileinfo openssl
$ sudo curl -s https://packagecloud.io/install/repositories/phalcon/stable/script.deb.sh | sudo bash
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install php7.0-phalcon

La documentación completa la puede encontrar acá

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