Por ejemplo tengo una oración que puedo analizar como un árbol con spaCy
y nltk
When did Beyonce start becoming popular?
es el array treeQuestion[0]
[Tree('start_VB_ROOT', ['When_WRB_advmod', 'did_VBD_aux',
'Beyonce_NNP_nsubj', Tree('becoming_VBG_xcomp', ['popular_JJ_acomp']),
Lo hice con el siguiente código:
>>>questionSpacy = spacy_nlp(question)
>>>treeQuestion = nltk_spacy_tree(questionSpacy)
When did Beyonce start becoming popular?
[to_nltk_tree(sent.root).pretty_print() for sent in en_nlp(predicted.iloc[0,3]).sents]
>>>treeQuestion = nltk_spacy_tree(questionSpacy)
[Tree('start_VB_ROOT', ['When_WRB_advmod', 'did_VBD_aux', 'Beyonce_NNP_nsubj', Tree('becoming_VBG_xcomp', ['popular_JJ_acomp']), '?_._punct'])]
| | | | becoming
| | | | |
When did Beyonce ? popular
Y me gustaría saber si treeQuestion
está contenido en el siguiente árbol y en que medida se ha mostrado, por ejemplo la siguiente:
--- 1 ---
born and raised in houston, texas, she performed in various singing and dancing competitions as a child, and rose to fame in the late 1990s as lead singer of r&b girl-group destiny's child.
[Tree('performed_VBD_ROOT', [Tree('born_VBN_advcl', ['and_CC_cc', Tree('raised_VBN_conj', [Tree('in_IN_prep', [Tree('houston_NN_pobj', [',_,_punct'])]), 'texas_NN_npadvmod'])]), ',_,_punct', 'she_PRP_nsubj', Tree('in_IN_prep', [Tree('competitions_NNS_pobj', ['various_JJ_amod', Tree('singing_NN_nmod', ['and_CC_cc', 'dancing_NN_conj'])])]), Tree('as_IN_prep', [Tree('child_NN_pobj', ['a_DT_det'])]), ',_,_punct', 'and_CC_cc', Tree('rose_VBD_conj', [Tree('to_IN_prep', ['fame_NN_pobj']), Tree('in_IN_prep', [Tree('1990s_NNS_pobj', ['the_DT_det', 'late_JJ_amod'])]), Tree('as_IN_prep', [Tree('singer_NN_pobj', ['lead_JJ_compound', Tree('of_IN_prep', ['r&b_NN_punct', Tree('child_NN_pobj', [Tree('destiny_NN_poss', [Tree('group_NN_compound', ['girl_NN_compound', '-_HYPH_punct']), "'s_POS_case"])])])])])]), '._._punct'])]
| | | | | | | | rose
| | | | | | | | ___________________|_________
| | | | | | | | | | as
| | | | | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | | | | singer
| | | | | | | | | | _________|_____
| | | | | born | | | | | of
| | | | | ____|_____ | | | | | __________|_____
| | | | | | raised in | | | | | child
| | | | | | _____|_______ | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | in competitions as | in | | destiny
| | | | | | | | _________|__________ | | | | | ___________|______
| | | | | | | houston | singing child to 1990s | | | group
| | | | | | | | | __________|_______ | | ____|____ | | | ______|____
, she , and . and texas , various and dancing a fame the late lead r&b 's girl
De hecho, como uno puede ver podemos encontrar rose to fame
que es muy similar a start becoming popular
. En cuanto a la mitad (3/6) del árbol está aquí podemos decir que 50% se ha mostrado.
Un contraejemplo, uno con un puntaje malo, hubiera sido el siguiente :
--- 0 ---
beyoncé giselle knowles-carter (/biːˈjɒnseɪ/ bee-yon-say) (born september 4, 1981) is an american singer, songwriter, record producer and actress.
[Tree('is_VBZ_ROOT', [Tree('carter_NN_nsubj', [Tree('giselle_NN_compound', ['beyoncé_NN_amod']), 'knowles_NNS_compound', '-_HYPH_punct', Tree('say_NN_parataxis', ['(_-LRB-_punct', '/biːˈjɒnseɪ/_-LRB-_amod', Tree('yon_NN_compound', ['bee_NN_compound', '-_HYPH_punct']), '-_HYPH_punct']), ')_-RRB-_punct', '(_-LRB-_punct', Tree('born_VBN_acl', [Tree('september_NN_npadvmod', ['4_CD_nummod', ',_,_punct', '1981_CD_nummod'])]), ')_-RRB-_punct']), Tree('singer_NN_attr', ['an_DT_det', 'american_JJ_amod', ',_,_punct', Tree('songwriter_NN_conj', [',_,_punct', Tree('producer_NN_conj', ['record_NN_compound', 'and_CC_cc', 'actress_NN_conj'])])]), '._._punct'])]
| carter singer
| ______________________________|_________________________________________ _________________|_______________
| | | | | | | say born | | | songwriter
| | | | | | | __________________|_______ | | | | _______________|_________
| | | | | | giselle | | | yon september | | | | producer
| | | | | | | | | | ___|___ ______|______ | | | | __________________|________
. knowles - ) ( ) beyoncé ( /biːˈjɒnseɪ/ - bee - 4 , 1981 an american , , record and actress
Actualización 31/08
Encontré una forma de saber cuando un objeto está contenido en otro. Dejo el botín abierto para la persona que pueda decirme cuando un árbol es similar a otro, especialmente a través de sinónimos o. Por ejemplo:
rose to fame
forstart becoming popular
start being popular
forstart becoming popular
Transforma una lista en un árbol.
class WordTree:
'''Tree for spaCy dependency parsing array'''
def __init__(self, tree, is_subtree=False):
Construct a new 'WordTree' object.
:param tree: The array contening the dependency
:param parent: The parent of the tree if exists
:return: returns nothing
self.parent = []
self.children = []
self.data = tree.label().split('_')[0] # the first element of the tree # We are going to add the synonyms as well.
for subtree in tree:
if type(subtree) == Tree:
# Iterate through the depth of the subtree.
t = WordTree(subtree, True)
elif type(subtree) == str:
surface_form = subtree.split('_')[0]
Probar si un árbol está contenido en otro
def isSubtree(T,S):
if S is None:
return True
if T is None:
return False
if areIdentical(T, S):
return True
return any(isSubtree(c, S) for c in T.children)
def areIdentical(root1, root2):
function to say if two roots are identical
# Base Case
if root1 is None and root2 is None:
return True
if root1 is None or root2 is None:
return False
# Check if the data of both roots their and children are the same
return (root1.data == root2.data and
((areIdentical(child1 , child2))
for child1, child2 in zip(root1.children, root2.children)))
# first tree creation
text = "start becoming popular"
textSpacy = spacy_nlp(text)
treeText = nltk_spacy_tree(textSpacy)
t = WordTree(treeText[0])
# second tree creation
question = "When did Beyonce start becoming popular?"
questionSpacy = spacy_nlp(question)
treeQuestion = nltk_spacy_tree(questionSpacy)
q = WordTree(treeQuestion[0])
# tree comparison
Aquí probamos dos árboles de dos oraciones donde una es una subparte de la otra. Tenemos entonces True
. Puede ser interesante encontrar una manera de decir cuando uno está parcialmente contenido en el otro.
en spaCy. Intentaré comparar dos textos. Sin embargo, hay uno que es muy largo y el otro que es relativamente pequeño, la preguntatreeQuestion