Estoy tratando de leer los datos de un archivo .wav para una visualización de audio sin embargo me arroja el siguiente error.
Aquí dejo mi código espero puedan ayudarme
import matplotlib
from matplotlib import pylab
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
filename = '1.wav'
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Open the wave file and get info
wave_file =, 'r')
data_size = wave_file.getnframes()
sample_rate = wave_file.getframerate()
sample_width = wave_file.getsampwidth()
duration = data_size / float(sample_rate)
# Read in sample data
sound_data = wave_file.readframes(data_size)
# Close the file, as we don't need it any more
# Unpack the binary data into an array
unpack_fmt = '%dh' % (data_size)
sound_data = struct.unpack(unpack_fmt, sound_data)
# Process many samples
fouriers_per_second = 24 # Frames per second
fourier_spread = 1.0/fouriers_per_second
fourier_width = fourier_spread
fourier_width_index = fourier_width * float(sample_rate)
if len(sys.argv) < 3:
length_to_process = int(duration)-1
length_to_process = float(sys.argv[2])
total_transforms = int(round(length_to_process * fouriers_per_second))
fourier_spacing = round(fourier_spread * float(sample_rate))
print ("For Fourier width of "+str(fourier_width)+" need "+str(fourier_width_index)+" samples each FFT")
print ("Doing "+str(fouriers_per_second)+" Fouriers per second")
print ("Total " + str(total_transforms * fourier_spread))
print ("Spacing: "+str(fourier_spacing))
print ("Total transforms "+str(total_transforms))
sample_size = fourier_width_index
freq = sample_rate / sample_size * np.arange(sample_size)
x_axis = range(0, 12)
def getBandWidth():
return (2.0/sample_size) * (sample_rate / 2.0)
def freqToIndex(f):
# If f (frequency is lower than the bandwidth of spectrum[0]
if f < getBandWidth()/2:
return 0
if f > (sample_rate / 2) - (getBandWidth() / 2):
return sample_size -1
fraction = float(f) / float(sample_rate)
index = round(sample_size * fraction)
return index
fft_averages = []
def average_fft_bands(fft_array):
num_bands = 12 # The number of frequency bands (12 = 1 octave)
del fft_averages[:]
for band in range(0, num_bands):
avg = 0.0
if band == 0:
lowFreq = int(0)
lowFreq = int(int(sample_rate / 2) / float(2 ** (num_bands - band)))
hiFreq = int((sample_rate / 2) / float(2 ** ((num_bands-1) - band)))
lowBound = int(freqToIndex(lowFreq))
hiBound = int(freqToIndex(hiFreq))
for j in range(lowBound, hiBound):
avg += fft_array[j]
avg /= (hiBound - lowBound + 1)
for offset in range(0, total_transforms):
start = int(offset * sample_size)
end = int((offset * sample_size) + sample_size -1)
print ("Processing sample %i of %i (%d seconds)" % (offset + 1, total_transforms, end/float(sample_rate)))
sample_range = sound_data[start:end]
## FFT the data
fft_data = abs(np.fft.fft(sample_range))
# Normalise the data a second time, to make numbers sensible
fft_data *= ((2**.5)/sample_size)
plt.ylim(0, 1000)
y_axis = fft_averages
"""Stuff for bar graph"""
width = 0.35
p1 =, y_axis, width, color='r')
"""End bar graph stuff"""
filename = str('frame_%05d' % offset) + '.png'
plt.savefig(filename, dpi=100)
print ("DONE!")