Tengo mi hamburguer menu, puesto que está creado en mobile first, el z-index es mayor a los elementos donde empieza la imagen más grande con la superposición de otros elementos, el punto es que a pesar de que el menú tenga mayor z-index, la imagen grande y la superposición que le sigue se muestran por detrás de toda la página pero el texto de la superposición ya no es seleccionable como la parte que dice Moden Interior donde el cursor se muestra para seleccionar texto.

mostrarNav = () => {
/* FONTS */
@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Crimson+Pro:wght@200&family=Lora:wght@500;700&family=Montserrat:wght@400;500;700&display=swap');
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h2 {
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h3 {
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h4 {
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h5 {
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p {
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/* HEADER */
/*.header {
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.header__hamburguer.active .header__hamburguer__button span:nth-child(1) {
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.header__hamburguer.active .header__hamburguer__button span:nth-child(2) {
  opacity : 0;

.header__hamburguer.active .header__hamburguer__button span:nth-child(3) {
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/* HEADER */
.header {
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.header__menu__container {
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.header__menu__container h1 {
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.header__navigation__hamburguer {
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.header__navigation__hamburguer span {
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    transition       : all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    width            : 3rem;
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.header__navigation__hamburguer__menu {
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    clip-path        : circle(40px at calc(50% + (37.5rem / 2) - (40px / 2)) calc(0% + 1.9rem + (40px / 2)));
    height           : 100%;
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    transition       : all 0.5s ease-in-out;
    visibility       : hidden;
    width            : 100%;

.header__navigation__hamburguer.active + .header__navigation__hamburguer__menu {
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.header__navigation__hamburguer__menu__links {
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.header__navigation__hamburguer__menu__link {
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.header__navigation__hamburguer__menu__link a {
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    padding-bottom : 0.6rem;

.header__navigation__hamburguer__menu__link a:hover {
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    transition     : all 300ms ease-in-out;

.line {
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.line2 {
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.line3 {
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.active .line1 {
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.active .line2 {
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    stroke-width      : 6;

.active .line3 {
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    stroke-dashoffset : -134;
    stroke-width      : 6;

/* MAIN */
.main__information__details {
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.main__information__details h2 {
    margin-bottom : 2.5rem;

.main__information__details p {
    margin-bottom : 2.5rem;
    max-width     : 25rem;

.main__information__details__button {
    display : inline-block;

.main__information__details__button a {
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    font-family : 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    font-size   : 1.4rem;
    font-weight : 700;
    align-items : center;
    display     : flex;

.main__information__details__button a span {
    margin-left : 1.5rem;

.main__information__product {
    display               : grid;
    position              : relative;
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.main__information__product__image {
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.main__information__product__image img {
    width : 100%;

.main__information__product__box {
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    width       : 100%;
    grid-column : 3/13;
    padding     : 1.317rem 0 2.5rem 1.9rem;

.main__information__product__person {
    align-items   : center;
    display       : flex;
    margin-bottom : 1.824rem;

.main__information__product__person img {
    height        : 3.6rem;
    width         : 3.6rem;
    border-radius : 50%;
    margin-right  : 1.39rem;

.main__information__product__person__details h3 {
    margin-bottom : 0.585rem;

.main__information__product__person__details p {
    color       : #828282;
    font-family : 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
    font-size   : 1rem;
    font-weight : 500;

.main__information__product h4 {
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    width     : 100%;
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                    <h2>Modern Interior</h2>
                    <p>A full-Service residential & commercial interior design and staging company offering professional
                       organizing & eco-services.</p>
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                            <div class="main__information__product__person__details">
                                <h3>Aliza Webber</h3>
                                <p>Interior designer</p>
                        <h4>Designed in 2020 by Aliza Webber</h4>
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1 respuesta 1


Lo solucioné eliminando el position: relative; del contenedor principal donde se encuentran las imágenes con las superposiciones.

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