Intento hacer una calculadora que sume y reste, muy sencilla. Creo yo que todo mi script esta buena, pero por alguna razon aparece este error: "syntax error: unexpected end of file". No se como solucionarlo. Ocupo ayuda.
echo "Welcome"
echo -n "Press 1 to add and 2 to substract: "
read operand
if operand==1
echo -n "Enter your first number: "
read number1
echo -n "Enter your second number: "
read number2
echo "The add of your numbers is: $number1+$number2"]
[elif operand==2
echo -n "Enter your first number: "
read number1
echo -n "Enter your second number: "
read number2
echo "The substract of your numbers is: $number1-$number2"]
[elif operand<1
echo "Invalid InPut"]
[elif operand>2
echo "Invalid InPut"]