Al intentar actualizaranaconda en Windows 10 por la consola como usuario root me dice que necesita des actualizardesactualizar paquetes, cosa que no quiero.
F:\MISCOSAS\LIBRO RAICES CON PROGRAMAS\LibroRaices>conda update anaconda
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ....
Solving package specifications: .........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
cloudpickle-0.1.1 | py35_0 16 KB
dill-0.2.4 | py35_0 37 KB
heapdict-1.0.0 | py35_0 2 KB
locket-0.2.0 | py35_0 2 KB
mkl-service-1.1.2 | py35_0 9 KB
qtpy-1.0 | py35_0 17 KB
chest-0.2.3 | py35_0 5 KB
gevent-1.1.0 | py35_0 442 KB
qtawesome-0.3.2 | py35_0 153 KB
singledispatch- | py35_0 13 KB
conda-manager-0.3.1 | py35_0 178 KB
flask-cors-2.1.2 | py35_0 16 KB
partd-0.3.2 | py35_1 25 KB
anaconda-navigator-1.1.0 | py35_0 1.2 MB
dask-0.8.1 | py35_0 296 KB
blaze-0.9.1 | py35_0 580 KB
anaconda-4.0.0 | np110py35_0 16 KB
Total: 3.0 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
anaconda-navigator: 1.1.0-py35_0
blaze: 0.9.1-py35_0
chest: 0.2.3-py35_0
cloudpickle: 0.1.1-py35_0
conda-manager: 0.3.1-py35_0
dask: 0.8.1-py35_0
dill: 0.2.4-py35_0
flask-cors: 2.1.2-py35_0
gevent: 1.1.0-py35_0
heapdict: 1.0.0-py35_0
locket: 0.2.0-py35_0
mkl-service: 1.1.2-py35_0
partd: 0.3.2-py35_1
qtawesome: 0.3.2-py35_0
qtpy: 1.0-py35_0
The following packages will be UPDATED:
anaconda: 2.4.1-np110py35_0 --> 4.0.0-np110py35_0
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
babel: 2.3.3-py35_0 --> 2.2.0-py35_0
clyent: 1.2.2-py35_0 --> 1.2.1-py35_0
cryptography: 1.3.1-py35_0 --> 1.3-py35_0
cython: 0.24-py35_0 --> 0.23.4-py35_0
h5py: 2.6.0-np110py35_1 --> 2.5.0-np110py35_4
idna: 2.1-py35_0 --> 2.0-py35_0
llvmlite: 0.10.0-py35_0 --> 0.9.0-py35_0
nbconvert: 4.2.0-py35_0 --> 4.1.0-py35_0
nltk: 3.2.1-py35_0 --> 3.2-py35_0
numba: 0.25.0-np110py35_0 --> 0.24.0-np110py35_0
numexpr: 2.5.2-np110py35_0 --> 2.5-np110py35_0 8.2-py35_0 --> 8.1.2-py35_1
patsy: 0.4.1-py35_0 --> 0.4.0-np110py35_0
pillow: 3.2.0-py35_0 --> 3.1.1-py35_0
pygments: 2.1.3-py35_0 --> 2.1.1-py35_0
pytest: 2.9.1-py35_0 --> 2.8.5-py35_0
python-dateutil: 2.5.2-py35_0 --> 2.5.1-py35_0
pytz: 2016.3-py35_0 --> 2016.2-py35_0
qtconsole: 4.2.1-py35_0 --> 4.2.0-py35_1
scipy: 0.17.0-np110py35_1 --> 0.17.0-np110py35_0
setuptools: 20.7.0-py35_0 --> 20.3-py35_0
sphinx: 1.4.1-py35_0 --> 1.3.5-py35_0
werkzeug: 0.11.8-py35_0 --> 0.11.4-py35_0
xlwings: 0.7.1-py35_0 --> 0.7.0-py35_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?
F:\MISCOSAS\LIBRO RAICES CON PROGRAMAS\LibroRaices>conda update anaconda
Using Anaconda Cloud api site
Fetching package metadata: ....
Solving package specifications: .........
Package plan for installation in environment C:\Anaconda3:
The following packages will be downloaded:
package | build
cloudpickle-0.1.1 | py35_0 16 KB
dill-0.2.4 | py35_0 37 KB
heapdict-1.0.0 | py35_0 2 KB
locket-0.2.0 | py35_0 2 KB
mkl-service-1.1.2 | py35_0 9 KB
qtpy-1.0 | py35_0 17 KB
chest-0.2.3 | py35_0 5 KB
gevent-1.1.0 | py35_0 442 KB
qtawesome-0.3.2 | py35_0 153 KB
singledispatch- | py35_0 13 KB
conda-manager-0.3.1 | py35_0 178 KB
flask-cors-2.1.2 | py35_0 16 KB
partd-0.3.2 | py35_1 25 KB
anaconda-navigator-1.1.0 | py35_0 1.2 MB
dask-0.8.1 | py35_0 296 KB
blaze-0.9.1 | py35_0 580 KB
anaconda-4.0.0 | np110py35_0 16 KB
Total: 3.0 MB
The following NEW packages will be INSTALLED:
anaconda-navigator: 1.1.0-py35_0
blaze: 0.9.1-py35_0
chest: 0.2.3-py35_0
cloudpickle: 0.1.1-py35_0
conda-manager: 0.3.1-py35_0
dask: 0.8.1-py35_0
dill: 0.2.4-py35_0
flask-cors: 2.1.2-py35_0
gevent: 1.1.0-py35_0
heapdict: 1.0.0-py35_0
locket: 0.2.0-py35_0
mkl-service: 1.1.2-py35_0
partd: 0.3.2-py35_1
qtawesome: 0.3.2-py35_0
qtpy: 1.0-py35_0
The following packages will be UPDATED:
anaconda: 2.4.1-np110py35_0 --> 4.0.0-np110py35_0
The following packages will be DOWNGRADED:
babel: 2.3.3-py35_0 --> 2.2.0-py35_0
clyent: 1.2.2-py35_0 --> 1.2.1-py35_0
cryptography: 1.3.1-py35_0 --> 1.3-py35_0
cython: 0.24-py35_0 --> 0.23.4-py35_0
h5py: 2.6.0-np110py35_1 --> 2.5.0-np110py35_4
idna: 2.1-py35_0 --> 2.0-py35_0
llvmlite: 0.10.0-py35_0 --> 0.9.0-py35_0
nbconvert: 4.2.0-py35_0 --> 4.1.0-py35_0
nltk: 3.2.1-py35_0 --> 3.2-py35_0
numba: 0.25.0-np110py35_0 --> 0.24.0-np110py35_0
numexpr: 2.5.2-np110py35_0 --> 2.5-np110py35_0 8.2-py35_0 --> 8.1.2-py35_1
patsy: 0.4.1-py35_0 --> 0.4.0-np110py35_0
pillow: 3.2.0-py35_0 --> 3.1.1-py35_0
pygments: 2.1.3-py35_0 --> 2.1.1-py35_0
pytest: 2.9.1-py35_0 --> 2.8.5-py35_0
python-dateutil: 2.5.2-py35_0 --> 2.5.1-py35_0
pytz: 2016.3-py35_0 --> 2016.2-py35_0
qtconsole: 4.2.1-py35_0 --> 4.2.0-py35_1
scipy: 0.17.0-np110py35_1 --> 0.17.0-np110py35_0
setuptools: 20.7.0-py35_0 --> 20.3-py35_0
sphinx: 1.4.1-py35_0 --> 1.3.5-py35_0
werkzeug: 0.11.8-py35_0 --> 0.11.4-py35_0
xlwings: 0.7.1-py35_0 --> 0.7.0-py35_0
Proceed ([y]/n)?