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Origen Enlace
# app/models/
class Statistics:
    def __init__(self): = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is exhausted
        self.hunger = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is starving
        self.intelligence = 50
        self.strength = 50
        self.mental_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.physical_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.social_skills = 50
        self.job_performance = 50

    def update_stat(self, stat_name, value):
        if hasattr(self, stat_name):
            new_value = getattr(self, stat_name) + value
            setattr(self, stat_name, max(0, min(new_value, 100)))  # Keeps stats within 0 to 100 range
            raise ValueError(f"Statistic '{stat_name}' does not exist.")

    def __repr__get_json(self):
        return self.__dict__

    def __repr__(f"Energyself): 
 {       return str(},get_json())

Alguien podria decirme que puedo hacer en el método get_json de person para poder retornar un Json interno de todo lo que hay en

El problema consiste en que viene por parte de una respuesta de una API: Este es el link del controlador:

Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es imprimir el player que es un hijo de Persona:

# Hungerapp/models/
from app.models.person import Person

class Player(Person): 
 {   def __init__(self.hunger}, Intelligenceid): 
 {       super().__init__(id)
        self.intelligence},_father "= None
        self._mother = None

    f"Strengthdef father(self): 
 {       return self.strength},_father

 Mental Health  @father.setter
    def father(self, value): 
 {       self.mental_health},_father Physical= Healthvalue

    def mother(self): 
 {       return self.physical_health},_mother

 "   @mother.setter
    def mother(self, value):
        self._mother = value

    f"Socialdef Skillsget_json(self): 
 {       return self.social_skills},__dict__

 Job Performance  def __repr__(self):
        attributes = ', '.join(f'{key}={value}' for key, value in self.job_performance__dict__.items())
        return f'Player({attributes}")'

Alguien podria decirme que puedo hacer en el método get_json de person para poder retornar un Json interno de todo lo que hay en

# app/models/
class Statistics:
    def __init__(self): = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is exhausted
        self.hunger = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is starving
        self.intelligence = 50
        self.strength = 50
        self.mental_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.physical_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.social_skills = 50
        self.job_performance = 50

    def update_stat(self, stat_name, value):
        if hasattr(self, stat_name):
            new_value = getattr(self, stat_name) + value
            setattr(self, stat_name, max(0, min(new_value, 100)))  # Keeps stats within 0 to 100 range
            raise ValueError(f"Statistic '{stat_name}' does not exist.")

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f"Energy: {}, Hunger: {self.hunger}, Intelligence: {self.intelligence}, "
                f"Strength: {self.strength}, Mental Health: {self.mental_health}, Physical Health: {self.physical_health}, "
                f"Social Skills: {self.social_skills}, Job Performance: {self.job_performance}")

Alguien podria decirme que puedo hacer en el método get_json de person para poder retornar un Json interno de todo lo que hay en

# app/models/
class Statistics:
    def __init__(self): = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is exhausted
        self.hunger = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is starving
        self.intelligence = 50
        self.strength = 50
        self.mental_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.physical_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.social_skills = 50
        self.job_performance = 50

    def update_stat(self, stat_name, value):
        if hasattr(self, stat_name):
            new_value = getattr(self, stat_name) + value
            setattr(self, stat_name, max(0, min(new_value, 100)))  # Keeps stats within 0 to 100 range
            raise ValueError(f"Statistic '{stat_name}' does not exist.")

    def get_json(self):
        return self.__dict__

    def __repr__(self): 
        return str(self.get_json())

Alguien podria decirme que puedo hacer en el método get_json de person para poder retornar un Json interno de todo lo que hay en

El problema consiste en que viene por parte de una respuesta de una API: Este es el link del controlador:

Lo que estoy tratando de hacer es imprimir el player que es un hijo de Persona:

# app/models/
from app.models.person import Person

class Player(Person): 
    def __init__(self, id): 
        self._father = None
        self._mother = None

    def father(self): 
        return self._father

    def father(self, value): 
        self._father = value

    def mother(self): 
        return self._mother

    def mother(self, value):
        self._mother = value

    def get_json(self): 
        return self.__dict__

    def __repr__(self):
        attributes = ', '.join(f'{key}={value}' for key, value in self.__dict__.items())
        return f'Player({attributes})'
Origen Enlace

Como incluir un objeto dentro de una función que retona un Json en Python

Cordial saludo tengo una duda en python.

Tengo un objeto el cual utiliza el siguiente método para retornar un Json de sus atributos:

def get_json(self):
    return self.__dict__

pero tengo un problema cuando trato de añadir un objeto dentro de esta clase... el objeto deja de trabajar:

Este es el objeto que yo quiero imprimir en Json:

# app/models/
from app.models.statistics import Statistics

class Person:
    def __init__(self, id):
        self._id = id
        self._first_name = ""
        self._middle_name = ""
        self._last_name = ""
        self._second_last_name = ""
        self._sex = ""
        self._age = 0
        self._location = ""
        self._plausible_death = ""
        self.statistics = Statistics()

    def id(self):
        return self._id

    def first_name(self):
        return self._first_name

    def first_name(self, value):
        self._first_name = value

    def middle_name(self):
        return self._middle_name

    def middle_name(self, value):
        self._middle_name = value

    def last_name(self):
        return self._last_name

    def last_name(self, value):
        self._last_name = value

    def second_last_name(self):
        return self._second_last_name

    def second_last_name(self, value):
        self._second_last_name = value

    def sex(self):
        return self._sex

    def sex(self, value):
        self._sex = value

    def age(self):
        return self._age

    def age(self, value):
        self._age = value

    def location(self):
        return self._location

    def location(self, value):
        self._location = value

    def plausible_death(self):
        return self._plausible_death

    def plausible_death(self, value):
        self._plausible_death = value

    def get_json(self):
        return self.__dict__

    def __repr__(self):
        attributes = ', '.join(f'{key}={value}' for key, value in self.__dict__.items())
        return f'Person({attributes})'

Y este es el objeto que yo quiero añadir:

# app/models/
class Statistics:
    def __init__(self): = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is exhausted
        self.hunger = 100  # 100 is full, 0 is starving
        self.intelligence = 50
        self.strength = 50
        self.mental_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.physical_health = 70  # 100 is optimal, 0 is critical
        self.social_skills = 50
        self.job_performance = 50

    def update_stat(self, stat_name, value):
        if hasattr(self, stat_name):
            new_value = getattr(self, stat_name) + value
            setattr(self, stat_name, max(0, min(new_value, 100)))  # Keeps stats within 0 to 100 range
            raise ValueError(f"Statistic '{stat_name}' does not exist.")

    def __repr__(self):
        return (f"Energy: {}, Hunger: {self.hunger}, Intelligence: {self.intelligence}, "
                f"Strength: {self.strength}, Mental Health: {self.mental_health}, Physical Health: {self.physical_health}, "
                f"Social Skills: {self.social_skills}, Job Performance: {self.job_performance}")

Alguien podria decirme que puedo hacer en el método get_json de person para poder retornar un Json interno de todo lo que hay en