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Importance of parenthesis when doing importancia de paréntesis cuando uso #define Why does it occur?

in the next code if I do not put parentheses to the multiplicationEn el siguiente codigo si yo no pongo parentesis a la multiplicacion D1, then when printingcuando imprimo D2 says that it has a value ofdice que este tiene un valor de 5, if I put them, it prints correctly 2si yo los pongo me imprime correctamente 4, why is thisporque ocurre eso ?

#define D1 3*2 
#define D2 D1-2

int main()

Importance of parenthesis when doing #define Why does it occur?

in the next code if I do not put parentheses to the multiplication D1, then when printing D2 says that it has a value of 5, if I put them, it prints correctly 2, why is this?

#define D1 3*2 
#define D2 D1-2

int main()

importancia de paréntesis cuando uso #define

En el siguiente codigo si yo no pongo parentesis a la multiplicacion D1, cuando imprimo D2 dice que este tiene un valor de 5, si yo los pongo me imprime correctamente 4, porque ocurre eso ?

#define D1 3*2 
#define D2 D1-2

int main()
Publicación cerrada como "No adecuado para este sitio" por sstan, Jose Javier Segura, Jorius, dwarandae, Ivan Botero
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Importance of parenthesis when doing #define Why does it occur?

in the next code if I do not put parentheses to the multiplication D1, then when printing D2 says that it has a value of 5, if I put them, it prints correctly 2, why is this?

#define D1 3*2 
#define D2 D1-2

int main()