Tengo hecha esta macro para buscar y reemplazar palabras desde un archivo específico, que en este caso es un documento de Word.
Mi consulta es cómo:
¿Cómo hago para que en vez de un documento de word, tome el contenido de una lista de excel.?
Éste es el código:
Sub ListaDeBalanceEspPort01()
Dim oChanges As Document, oDoc As Document
Dim oTable As Table
Dim oRng As Range
Dim rFindText As Range, rReplacement As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim sFname As String
sFname = "C:\Users\tini\Documents\SLAP\ESaPTinc.doc"
Set oDoc = ActiveDocument
Set oChanges = Documents.Open(FileName:=sFname, Visible:=False)
Set oTable = oChanges.Tables(1)
For i = 1 To oTable.Rows.Count
Set oRng = oDoc.Range
Set rFindText = oTable.Cell(i, 1).Range
rFindText.End = rFindText.End - 1
Set rReplacement = oTable.Cell(i, 2).Range
rReplacement.End = rReplacement.End - 1
With oRng.Find
Do While .Execute(findText:=rFindText, _
MatchWholeWord:=False, _
MatchWildcards:=False, _
Forward:=True, _
Wrap:=wdFindContinue) = True
oRng.Text = rReplacement
End With
Next i
oChanges.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges
End Sub
Dim oChanges As Document, oDoc As Document Dim oTable As Table Dim oRng As Range Dim rFindText As Range, rReplacement As Range Dim i As Long Dim sFname As String sFname = "C:\Users\tini\Documents\SLAP\ESaPTinc.doc" Set oDoc = ActiveDocument Set oChanges = Documents.Open(FileName:=sFname, Visible:=False) Set oTable = oChanges.Tables(1) For i = 1 To oTable.Rows.Count Set oRng = oDoc.Range Set rFindText = oTable.Cell(i, 1).Range rFindText.End = rFindText.End - 1 Set rReplacement = oTable.Cell(i, 2).Range rReplacement.End = rReplacement.End - 1 With oRng.Find .ClearFormatting .Replacement.ClearFormatting Do While .Execute(findText:=rFindText, _ MatchWholeWord:=False, _ MatchWildcards:=False, _ Forward:=True, _ Wrap:=wdFindContinue) = True oRng.Text = rReplacement Loop End With Next i oChanges.Close wdDoNotSaveChanges End Sub