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Aviso eliminado Atraer atención por ComunidadBot
Recompensa finalizada sin una respuesta ganadora por ComunidadBot
se añadieron 484 caracteres en el cuerpo
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  • StaleElementReferenceException: Esta excepción es difícil de entender. Parece que entra en juego cuando se lee un formulario de Google publicado. Puedes leer la primera pregunta y sus respuestas pero no el resto. Esto puede suceder si una operación de DOM que ocurre en la página está causando temporalmente que el elemento sea inaccesible. Para tener en cuenta estos casos, intentaré acceder al elemento varias veces en un bucle antes de lanzar finalmente una excepción.
  • UnexpectedAlertPresentException: es porque parece que hay el boton para modificar el location: UnexpectedAlertPresentException
  • content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"): Me siento como si estuviera repitiendo una y otra vez sobre la misma cosa.
  • UnexpectedAlertPresentException: es porque parece que hay el boton para modificar el location: UnexpectedAlertPresentException
  • content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"): Me siento como si estuviera repitiendo una y otra vez sobre la misma cosa.
  • StaleElementReferenceException: Esta excepción es difícil de entender. Parece que entra en juego cuando se lee un formulario de Google publicado. Puedes leer la primera pregunta y sus respuestas pero no el resto. Esto puede suceder si una operación de DOM que ocurre en la página está causando temporalmente que el elemento sea inaccesible. Para tener en cuenta estos casos, intentaré acceder al elemento varias veces en un bucle antes de lanzar finalmente una excepción.
  • UnexpectedAlertPresentException: es porque parece que hay el boton para modificar el location: UnexpectedAlertPresentException
  • content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"): Me siento como si estuviera repitiendo una y otra vez sobre la misma cosa.
se añadieron 5834 caracteres en el cuerpo
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El output esta:

C:\Users\antoi\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.7_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python3.7.exe C:/Users/antoi/Documents/Programming/Scraping/Python/
survey:  Hotel ABC
backend questionnaire
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="7271d9f5-478a-4dfc-8f9e-6d9248da5bcc")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="3ff21bcf-6e8d-4b88-b64d-10cf5a11b18f")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="16e5fa0b-3502-4ab7-a7f7-a47b1b8fa388")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="fdc1bafb-51c9-4cc7-8f43-675ea9061338")>
questionnaire backend:  {'How do you feel about your next vacation after COVID-19?': [], 'When do you think your next vacation can start?': ['In next 3 months', 'In next 6 months', 'In next 1 year', 'Only once COVID-19 is under control', 'Only once COVID-19 vaccine is developed', ''],  ... , 'Education Level': ['No higher education', 'Diploma', "Bachelor's", "Master's", 'PhD', "Other's", ''], 'Annual Income': ['< £ 30,000', '£ 30,000 to £ 50,000', '£ 50,000 to £ 80,000', '£ 80,000 to £ 120,000', '> £ 120,000', ''], 'Feedback / Comments': [''], 'Email (Optional)': ['']}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  9
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  8
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  7
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  6
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  5
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  4
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  3
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  2
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  1
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  0
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
questionnaire:  {'Age': ['Under 18', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', 'Over 55']}
{'Age': ['Under 18', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', 'Over 55']}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  13
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  12
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers :  ...
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  0
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
questionnaire:  {'On average, how many times per year do you travel for 2 days or more? *': ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 or more'], ... , 'What are your expectations from the accommodations’ Pinterest page? (Please select all that apply) *': ['See pictures of customer service staff', 'See pictures of staff in general', 'See pictures of the destination', 'See pictures of all the types of rooms', 'See pictures of services available', 'See pictures that are not on the hotel’s website', "I don't have a Pinterest account", "I don't use Pinterest for these purposes"]}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  13
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  12
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  11
len_containers:  1
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  0
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
questionnaire:  {'On average, how many times per year do you travel for 2 days or more? *': ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 or more'],  ... 'What are your expectations from the accommodations’ Pinterest page? (Please select all that apply) *': ['See pictures of customer service staff', 'See pictures of staff in general', 'See pictures of the destination', 'See pictures of all the types of rooms', 'See pictures of services available', 'See pictures that are not on the hotel’s website', "I don't have a Pinterest account", "I don't use Pinterest for these purposes"]}

Así que parece que estamos perdidos en un bucle...

El output esta:

C:\Users\antoi\AppData\Local\Microsoft\WindowsApps\PythonSoftwareFoundation.Python.3.7_qbz5n2kfra8p0\python3.7.exe C:/Users/antoi/Documents/Programming/Scraping/Python/
survey:  Hotel ABC
backend questionnaire
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="7271d9f5-478a-4dfc-8f9e-6d9248da5bcc")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="3ff21bcf-6e8d-4b88-b64d-10cf5a11b18f")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="16e5fa0b-3502-4ab7-a7f7-a47b1b8fa388")>
NoSuchElementException in <selenium.webdriver.remote.webelement.WebElement (session="bb78e4006674ba0bd9384f86518d8b95", element="fdc1bafb-51c9-4cc7-8f43-675ea9061338")>
questionnaire backend:  {'How do you feel about your next vacation after COVID-19?': [], 'When do you think your next vacation can start?': ['In next 3 months', 'In next 6 months', 'In next 1 year', 'Only once COVID-19 is under control', 'Only once COVID-19 vaccine is developed', ''],  ... , 'Education Level': ['No higher education', 'Diploma', "Bachelor's", "Master's", 'PhD', "Other's", ''], 'Annual Income': ['< £ 30,000', '£ 30,000 to £ 50,000', '£ 50,000 to £ 80,000', '£ 80,000 to £ 120,000', '> £ 120,000', ''], 'Feedback / Comments': [''], 'Email (Optional)': ['']}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  9
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  8
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  7
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  6
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  5
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  4
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  3
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  2
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  1
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
len_containers:  0
No question, StaleElementReferenceException
questionnaire:  {'Age': ['Under 18', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', 'Over 55']}
{'Age': ['Under 18', '18-24', '25-34', '35-44', '45-54', 'Over 55']}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  13
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  12
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers :  ...
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  0
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
questionnaire:  {'On average, how many times per year do you travel for 2 days or more? *': ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 or more'], ... , 'What are your expectations from the accommodations’ Pinterest page? (Please select all that apply) *': ['See pictures of customer service staff', 'See pictures of staff in general', 'See pictures of the destination', 'See pictures of all the types of rooms', 'See pictures of services available', 'See pictures that are not on the hotel’s website', "I don't have a Pinterest account", "I don't use Pinterest for these purposes"]}
published questionnaire
len_containers:  13
No question, NoSuchElementException
len_containers:  12
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  11
len_containers:  1
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
len_containers:  0
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
content_area.get_attribute("aria-label"):  Other response
questionnaire:  {'On average, how many times per year do you travel for 2 days or more? *': ['1 to 2', '3 to 4', '5 or more'],  ... 'What are your expectations from the accommodations’ Pinterest page? (Please select all that apply) *': ['See pictures of customer service staff', 'See pictures of staff in general', 'See pictures of the destination', 'See pictures of all the types of rooms', 'See pictures of services available', 'See pictures that are not on the hotel’s website', "I don't have a Pinterest account", "I don't use Pinterest for these purposes"]}

Así que parece que estamos perdidos en un bucle...

se añadieron 24 caracteres en el cuerpo
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Trato de obtener las preguntas y respuestas del cuestionariode los cuestionarios/urls para meterlas en un archivo csv que se parece al siguiente:

Trato de obtener las preguntas y respuestas del cuestionario para meterlas en un archivo csv que se parece al siguiente:


Trato de obtener las preguntas y respuestas de los cuestionarios/urls para meterlas en un archivo csv que se parece al siguiente:

etiquetas editadas
se añadieron 14 caracteres en el cuerpo
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se eliminaron 48 caracteres en el cuerpo
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Aviso añadido Atraer atención por Revolucion for Monica
Recompensa iniciada por un valor de 250 de reputación por Revolucion for Monica
se añadieron 6318 caracteres en el cuerpo; título editado
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se añadieron 113 caracteres en el cuerpo; título editado
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se añadieron 4792 caracteres en el cuerpo
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se añadieron 52 caracteres en el cuerpo
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título editado
se eliminaron 2080 caracteres en el cuerpo
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se añadieron 2082 caracteres en el cuerpo
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título editado
título editado
se eliminaron 24 caracteres en el cuerpo
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