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{% assign COUNTRY_CODE = "57" %} {% assign NORMAL_LEN = 12 %} {% assign msisdn_len = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | size %} {% assign prefix = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | slice:0,2 %} {% if prefix != COUNTRY_CODE and msisdn_len < NORMAL_LEN %} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | prepend: COUNTRY_CODE %} {% else%} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} %} {% endif %} {%capture text%}Ya activaste Amazon Prime Video con 3 meses de cortesia en tu plan pospago Tigo. Conoce mas sobre tu servicio en Aplican TyC{%endcapture%}{{custom_attribute.${msisdn}}}&text={{text | url_encode}}

{% assign COUNTRY_CODE = "57" %} 
{% assign NORMAL_LEN = 12 %}
{% assign msisdn_len = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | size %} 
{% assign prefix = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | slice:0,2 %}
{%  if prefix != COUNTRY_CODE and msisdn_len < NORMAL_LEN %} 
    {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | prepend: COUNTRY_CODE %} 
{% else%} 
    {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} %} 
{% endif %} 
    {%capture text%}
        Ya activaste Amazon Prime Video con 3 meses de cortesia en tu plan pospago Tigo. Conoce mas sobre tu servicio en Aplican TyC{%endcapture%}{{custom_attribute.${msisdn}}}&text={{text | url_encode}}

{% assign COUNTRY_CODE = "57" %} {% assign NORMAL_LEN = 12 %} {% assign msisdn_len = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | size %} {% assign prefix = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | slice:0,2 %} {% if prefix != COUNTRY_CODE and msisdn_len < NORMAL_LEN %} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | prepend: COUNTRY_CODE %} {% else%} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} %} {% endif %} {%capture text%}Ya activaste Amazon Prime Video con 3 meses de cortesia en tu plan pospago Tigo. Conoce mas sobre tu servicio en Aplican TyC{%endcapture%}{{custom_attribute.${msisdn}}}&text={{text | url_encode}}

{% assign COUNTRY_CODE = "57" %} 
{% assign NORMAL_LEN = 12 %}
{% assign msisdn_len = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | size %} 
{% assign prefix = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | slice:0,2 %}
{%  if prefix != COUNTRY_CODE and msisdn_len < NORMAL_LEN %} 
    {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | prepend: COUNTRY_CODE %} 
{% else%} 
    {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} %} 
{% endif %} 
    {%capture text%}
        Ya activaste Amazon Prime Video con 3 meses de cortesia en tu plan pospago Tigo. Conoce mas sobre tu servicio en Aplican TyC{%endcapture%}{{custom_attribute.${msisdn}}}&text={{text | url_encode}}
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Pregunta sobre Liquid: ¿deberia poner el mensaje de texto dentro del if y del else?

{% assign COUNTRY_CODE = "57" %} {% assign NORMAL_LEN = 12 %} {% assign msisdn_len = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | size %} {% assign prefix = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | slice:0,2 %} {% if prefix != COUNTRY_CODE and msisdn_len < NORMAL_LEN %} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} | prepend: COUNTRY_CODE %} {% else%} {% assign msisdn = custom_attribute.${msisdn} %} {% endif %} {%capture text%}Ya activaste Amazon Prime Video con 3 meses de cortesia en tu plan pospago Tigo. Conoce mas sobre tu servicio en Aplican TyC{%endcapture%}{{custom_attribute.${msisdn}}}&text={{text | url_encode}}