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Origen Enlace

Puedes ver los detalles en los links que indiqué, pero lo fundamental es hacer un controlador que maneje la subida de archivos:

public class FileUploadController {

private final StorageService storageService;

public FileUploadController(StorageService storageService) {
    this.storageService = storageService;

public String listUploadedFiles(Model model) throws IOException {

    model.addAttribute("files", storageService
            .map(path ->
                            .fromMethodName(FileUploadController.class, "serveFile", path.getFileName().toString())

    return "uploadForm";

public ResponseEntity<Resource> serveFile(@PathVariable String filename) {

    Resource file = storageService.loadAsResource(filename);
    return ResponseEntity
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\""+file.getFilename()+"\"")

public String handleFileUpload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,
                               RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {;
            "You successfully uploaded " + file.getOriginalFilename() + "!");

    return "redirect:/";

public ResponseEntity handleStorageFileNotFound(StorageFileNotFoundException exc) {
    return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();


Un formulario que sirva como interfaz para el usuario y que llame al controlador creado anteriormente:

<html xmlns:th="">

<div th:if="${message}">
    <h2 th:text="${message}"/>

    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/">
            <tr><td>File to upload:</td><td><input type="file" name="file" /></td></tr>
            <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Upload" /></td></tr>

        <li th:each="file : ${files}">
            <a th:href="${file}" th:text="${file}" />

y una clase ejecutable

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

CommandLineRunner init(StorageService storageService) {
    return (args) -> {

Puedes ver los detalles en los links que indiqué, pero lo fundamental es hacer un controlador que maneje la subida de archivos:

public class FileUploadController {

private final StorageService storageService;

public FileUploadController(StorageService storageService) {
    this.storageService = storageService;

public String listUploadedFiles(Model model) throws IOException {

    model.addAttribute("files", storageService
            .map(path ->
                            .fromMethodName(FileUploadController.class, "serveFile", path.getFileName().toString())

    return "uploadForm";

public ResponseEntity<Resource> serveFile(@PathVariable String filename) {

    Resource file = storageService.loadAsResource(filename);
    return ResponseEntity
            .header(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\""+file.getFilename()+"\"")

public String handleFileUpload(@RequestParam("file") MultipartFile file,
                               RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {;
            "You successfully uploaded " + file.getOriginalFilename() + "!");

    return "redirect:/";

public ResponseEntity handleStorageFileNotFound(StorageFileNotFoundException exc) {
    return ResponseEntity.notFound().build();


Un formulario que sirva como interfaz para el usuario y que llame al controlador creado anteriormente:

<html xmlns:th="">

<div th:if="${message}">
    <h2 th:text="${message}"/>

    <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="/">
            <tr><td>File to upload:</td><td><input type="file" name="file" /></td></tr>
            <tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Upload" /></td></tr>

        <li th:each="file : ${files}">
            <a th:href="${file}" th:text="${file}" />

y una clase ejecutable

public class Application {

public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

CommandLineRunner init(StorageService storageService) {
    return (args) -> {
Origen Enlace

en Spring hay un tutorial que trata especificamente eso, también puedes encontrar la implementación en GitHub