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var dataTable = $('#tblDistribucionZonas').DataTable({
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    <title>Hello, world!</title>

<table class="table table-condensed"bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblDistribucionZonas">
              <th>Puesto en el top</th>
              <td>EJE CAF.PEREIRA</td>
              <td>ZONA SUR (VALLE/CAUCA/NARIÑO)</td>           
              <td>HUILA Y CAQUETA</td>
              <td>RICAURTE BOGOTA</td>
              <td>DECORARCO CALI</td>
              <td>COSTA ATLANTICA</td>
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var dataTable = $('#tblDistribucionZonas').DataTable({
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        <table class="table table-border table-condensed" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblDistribucionZonas">
              <th>Puesto en el top</th>
              <td>EJE CAF.PEREIRA</td>
              <td>ZONA SUR (VALLE/CAUCA/NARIÑO)</td>           
              <td>HUILA Y CAQUETA</td>
              <td>RICAURTE BOGOTA</td>
              <td>DECORARCO CALI</td>
              <td>COSTA ATLANTICA</td>
var dataTable = $('#tblDistribucionZonas').DataTable({
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    <title>Hello, world!</title>

<table class="table table-bordered" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblDistribucionZonas">
              <th>Puesto en el top</th>
              <td>EJE CAF.PEREIRA</td>
              <td>ZONA SUR (VALLE/CAUCA/NARIÑO)</td>           
              <td>HUILA Y CAQUETA</td>
              <td>RICAURTE BOGOTA</td>
              <td>DECORARCO CALI</td>
              <td>COSTA ATLANTICA</td>
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Problemas con la cabecera Datatables

No se porque la cabecera se daña de esta forma.introducir la descripción de la imagen aquí

var dataTable = $('#tblDistribucionZonas').DataTable({
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      zeroRecords: "Nothing found - sorry",
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      search: "",
      searchPlaceholder: "Buscar",
      loadingRecords: "Cargando...",
      processing: "Procesando....",
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        last: "ultimo",
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      infoFiltered: "(filtered from _MAX_ total records)"
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      <div class="table-responsive">
        <table class="table table-border table-condensed" cellspacing="0" width="100%" id="tblDistribucionZonas">
              <th>Puesto en el top</th>
              <td>EJE CAF.PEREIRA</td>
              <td>ZONA SUR (VALLE/CAUCA/NARIÑO)</td>           
              <td>HUILA Y CAQUETA</td>
              <td>RICAURTE BOGOTA</td>
              <td>DECORARCO CALI</td>
              <td>COSTA ATLANTICA</td>